
  1. 实验三在实验二的基础上通过在一致和限定性一致条件上增加过渡性段落和第二目标句,以检验信息整合过程是否是建构性的协调性整合过程。

    For the third experiment , one more filler paragraph and another target sentence were added in consistent condition and qualified condition to study whether the integration is a constructive coordinating integration .

  2. 他们中有三个人在后来与警察的冲突中被杀死。

    Three of them were killed in the subsequent encounter with the police .

  3. 三人在此次撞车事故中丧生。

    Three people were killed in the crash .

  4. 他们三个在公共汽车站分了手。

    The three of them parted company at the bus stop .

  5. 三艘船在波涛汹涌的海面上沉没了。

    Three ships foundered in heavy seas .

  6. 我们七点三刻在饭店门口集合。

    We 'll gather at the gate of the hotel at a quarter to eight .

  7. 他的念头一而再再而三地在一条轨道上转着。

    His mind sagged round and round on the same track .

  8. 1978年9月,埃、以、美三方在美国的戴维营达成和解协议,戴维营也因此出名。

    The location became famous for the1978 Camp David peace accords , brokered by President Jimmy carter , between Israel and egypt .

  9. 三人在东江丧生

    Three People Lost Their Lives in the Dongjiang River

  10. 这里有三个人在谈论他们的经历。

    Here   are   three   people   talking   about their   experiences .

  11. 展览将于十二月十九日至一月三日在学校礼堂举行。

    Exhibition The exhibition will be held from 19 December to 3 January in our school hall .

  12. 第一个学生在冬天去,第二个在春天去,第三个在夏天去,最后一个在秋天去。

    The first student went in winter , the second in spring , the third in summer , and the last in autumn .

  13. 四个在锯,三个在磨,二个在凿,还有一个在铰

    Tommy : Four of them are sawing , three are chiseling and one is reaming .

  14. 第三,在教育上,政府实行了九年免费义务制教育,对农村的孩子上职业学校实行免费,同时对大学和农村高中阶段的教育实行奖助学金制度,对困难地区农村寄宿制学校给予补贴。

    On education , the government has provided nine-year free compulsory6 education , and offered free vocational education and subsidy7 and scholarship for high school students in rural areas .

  15. 一天晚上,他们三人在一起吃晚饭,有两只鸡被端上来,他用逻辑与计算的知识告诉他们,他能证明两只鸡可以变成三只。

    One evening , they were all three at supper , and two fowls2 having been served up , he told them that , by logic3 and arithmetic , he could prove those two chickens to be three .

  16. 提出三种在VFP中实现声音播放的方式,并进行了分析。

    The paper presents three ways to play voice in VFP and analyzes them .

  17. 第三部分在采用PM组织测评系统对BZ公司的基本情况进行诊断的基础上,对其组织机构做出了相应调整。

    In the third part , PM organization evaluation system is applied to diagnose the situation of BZ company .

  18. 三是在GPS/INS组合制导方式下,提出INS辅助GPS确定初始整周模糊度的方法,并提出有效的综合整周模糊度搜索算法(第四章)。

    Thirdly , the positioning with the carrier phase measurements is demonstrated , and the way to confirm the integer ambiguity is presented ( Chapter 4 ) .

  19. 第三,在SP模型失效的情况下,采用分段求解和非稳态四点隐式差分体系求解两种方法,所得结果较好,能够解决SP模型失效时的模型求解问题。

    Third , in condition of S-P model invalidation , use two methods to resolve this problem , which one is section the solving progress , and another use numerical method to get solution ( four-point implicit difference method ) .

  20. 以5种自然沉积物为对象,测定了1,2,4-三氯苯在这几种样品上的吸附等温线,以研究自然有机质(NOM)的性质对1,2,4-三氯苯吸附行为的影响。

    Sorption isotherms of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene on 5 sediments were examined to understand its sorption behavior .

  21. 第三章在5-MP的基础上利用改进推广的LEPS势研究了CO分子在Fe低指数表面上吸附和解离性质。

    Chapter 3 : we investigate the characteristic of adsorption and dissociation for COmolecules on Fe surfaces by extended LEPS method .

  22. 三是在考虑相邻两片三角域曲面连续性的同时将拟合的规则纳入,给出了求解方程组以达到G1连续。

    The third is present simultaneous equations in order to obtain G1 continuous considering the continuity between two triangular patches and the fitness rules .

  23. 三化在FY-1C卫星姿轨控地面测试系统中的实施

    Three Directions in Attitude and Orbit Control Ground Testing System of FY-1C Satellite

  24. 第三,在奇异Radon变换及其应用到(?)-Neumann问题的研究理论中,它可作为典型算子。

    Third , it can be as the model operator occurring in the theory of the singular Radon transforms and their application to the study of the (?) - Neumann problem .

  25. 第三章在可分Banach空间引入了一些新的概念,如随机单调算子,随机Mann迭代序列等等。

    In Chapter 3 , we introduce some new concepts such as random monotone operators , random Mann iteration and so on in a separable real Banach space .

  26. 三是在每km2的控制范围内,要有骨干坝0.3座、淤地坝1.0座,坝系的整体布局与结构要达到合理,使暴雨洪水达到均衡分配;

    There should be 0.3 main dam and 1.0 check dam within one kilo squire meter . The overall layout and structure of dam system should be rational so that storm flood could be distributed harmoniously .

  27. 第三章在第二章讨论的基础上考虑借贷利率不同时的情况,利用动态规划原理与随机分析方法,最优策略可以通过控制问题对应的HJB方程求得。

    Methods adopted in this dissertation are the dynamic programming principle and the stochastic analysis theory , through which the HJB equation corresponding to the control question can be worked out , and therefore , the optimal strategy with feedback from can be obtained .

  28. 四分之三发生在伊朗、伊拉克和沙特阿拉伯。

    Three-quarters took place in Iran , Iraq and Saudi Arabia .

  29. 论第三部门在社会保障法中的地位与作用

    Research on the Third Sector for the Social Security System

  30. 第三,在程序方面,房地产调控缺乏严格的程序规制。

    Thirdly , macro-control of real estate lack of regulation of strict procedures .