
sān yuán zǔ
  • triad;triple
  1. 作为知识表示基本单元的三元组(P,β,LTV)将事实、模糊关系(模糊谓词)、模糊产生式规则等结合起来,构成一个模糊推理网络。

    The triad ( P , β, LTV ), as a basic unit of knowledge representation , combine facts , fuzzy reasoning networks .

  2. 在ARM中,我们把领域专家知识表示的基本单元表征为一个三元组(P,β,LTV),其中P是一个模糊断言;

    In ARM a basic unit of the domain-specific knowledge representation is characterized by a triad ( P , β, LTV ) in which P is a fuzzy assertion ;

  3. 处理稀疏矩阵的C语言链式三元组表法

    Chaining Three-Element Technique on C Language to Process Sparse Matrices

  4. WHERE子句引入第二个变量concept并定义与图形匹配的三元组。

    The WHERE clause introduces a second variable , concept , and defines triples that are matched against the graph .

  5. 一个图G是指一个有序三元组。

    A graph G is an ordered triple .

  6. 这个程序是以C语言写的,而且用的是数据结构的三元组表示矩阵!

    This program is written in C language , but using the data structure of ternary group said Matrix !

  7. 三元组的三个部分被正式称为主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)和宾语(object)。

    The parts of a triple are officially known as the subject , predicate , and object .

  8. 本文讨论了定义数据的几种常见方法,并提出一种三元组《A,R,V》定义方法。

    This paper discusses several cmmon methods for defining data and presents a triplet definition of data .

  9. 一个三元组(H,?,F)称为F的一个来自H的同态证明,如果?

    A triple ( H ,?, F ) is called a homomorphism proof from H of F if ?

  10. 强DeMorgan三元组下的模糊偏好结构

    Fuzzy Preference Structures with the Strong De Morgan Triplets

  11. 比如,在英语中可能有三元组:“mycar”、“ispainted”和“red”。

    For instance , in English you might have the triple : " my car "," is painted "," red " .

  12. 您必须包含指定这两个属性的值的RDF三元组(triple)。

    You must include RDF triples that specify the values of both properties .

  13. 这些都是使用对象-属性-值三元组来表示的&即,对象O具有一个值为V的属性A。

    These are represented by object-attribute-value triples & that is , an object O has an attribute A with the value V.

  14. 强DeMorgan三元组下模糊选择函数几个合理性条件的等价性

    Some Equivalent Propositions on the Fuzzy Choice Functions ' Rationality Conditions under the Strong De Morgan Triple

  15. RDF推理主要是在其以三元组为基础的模型理论上展开。

    RDF inference is carried out on a triple based model theory .

  16. 如果您的数据满足三元组数据模型,并存储在一种叫做三元组仓库(triplestore)的专门数据库中,那么语义Web技术的优势会很显著。

    If your data fits into the triple data model and is stored in one of the specialized databases known as triplestores , the advantages of Semantic Web technology are obvious .

  17. 本文提出了判别三元组(X,Y,∧)是否为联系系统的一个新的充要条件;

    A new necessary and sufficient condition for a triple ( X , Y ,∧) to be a linking system is presented in this paper .

  18. 往RDF图中插入新的三元组。

    Insert new triples to an RDF graph .

  19. RDF(S)三元组的推理控制算法

    RDF ( S ) Triple-level Inference Control Algorithm

  20. RegistryandRepository中的每个文档都是使用名称、命名空间和版本的三元组唯一地定义的。

    Each document in Registry and Repository is uniquely defined using a triple of name , namespace , and version .

  21. RDF陈述是一个三元组(主题、属性、对象)。

    RDF statements are made up of triples ( subject , property , object ) .

  22. 从RDF图中删除三元组。

    Delete triples from an RDF graph .

  23. 从依存关系树库中提取出依存三元组到语义网络语言的转换规则,并使用XML标记语言实现了对大规则集的管理,包括规则的添加、删除、修改。

    The transformation rules from dependency relationship tree-bank is get and XML is used to managing the set of rules , including these operations : accession , deletion , modification .

  24. 因此,为了应答通过Receive活动到达的消息,您将需要一个带有相同的三元组的Reply活动。

    Therefore , in order to reply to the message that arrived through the Receive activity , you would need a Reply activity with the same triplet .

  25. 图形模式的第二个三元组与contributor的foaf:weblog属性对应的对象匹配。

    The graph pattern 's second triple matches the object of the contributor 's foaf : weblog property .

  26. 它用三元组(X,f,T)描述一个问题,其中X表示问题的论域,f(·)是论域属性,T是论域的结构。

    In the theory , a problem is represented as a triplet ( X , f , T ), including the universe X , its structure T and attributes f (·) .

  27. 在RDF中,这个三元组将根据一种特殊格式编码,这种格式用于识别卡通人物和他们的主要敌人。

    In RDF , this triple would be encoded based on the format used to identify cartoon characters and their arch-enemies .

  28. 实体标注被转换为OWL中的个体,而关系标注被转换为OWL中的三元组。

    Then , entity annotations are transformed to OWL individuals , and the relation annotations will be converted to OWL triples .

  29. 求得的语句,也被称为三元组(triple),被自动添加到RDF数据库(被称作模型)中,或从其中删除。

    The resulting statements , also known as triples , are automatically added and removed from the RDF database ( known as the model ) .

  30. 其语法类似于SQL,SPARQL查询包括一系列的三元组范型和修饰符。

    Its syntax is similar to that of SQL , and SPARQL queries consist of a series of triple patterns and modifiers .