
  • 网络trinity;Trinity College;Trinity College Dublin
  1. 在康涅狄格州的哈特福德市,美国三一学院(TrinityCollege)最近举行了一个活动,让学生和老师一起讨论刻薄话的问题,以及坚守善意/真实/必要三原则的意义。

    In Hartford , Conn. , Trinity College recently held an event at which students and faculty discussed derogatory language and the power behind the kind / true / necessary mantra .

  2. 正如三一学院(TrinityCollege)的菲利普莱恩(PhilipLane)指出的那样:爱尔兰曾经创造过真正的经济奇迹&在1994年至2000年期间产出、就业和生产率快速增长。

    As Philip Lane of Trinity College notes : There was a genuine Irish economic miracle , with very rapid output , employment and productivity growth during the 1994-2000 period .

  3. 现在,这支来自圣三一学院的研究团队发现了另一种可以解释肥胖与癌症之间联系的方法。

    Now the team at Trinity have found another pathway that could explain the obesity-cancer link .

  4. 长长的影子投在我的母校、三一学院(TrinityCollege)前的校园方庭上。

    Long shadows fell on the Front Quad of Trinity , my old college .

  5. 他在都柏林大学三一学院(TrinityCollege,Dublin)念过商科,之后在毕马威(KPMG)接受过会计师训练。

    He read business studies at Trinity College Dublin and then trained as an accountant with KPMG .

  6. 圣三一学院的MBA项目创建于上世纪60年代,它也把小课堂变成了一项学习财富。

    The Trinity programme , set up in the 1960s , also turns the small class into a learning asset .

  7. 都柏林大学圣三一学院的教授,EAGLELS的联合副主席DavidMcConnell对杨焕明的呼吁表示欢迎。

    David McConnell , a professor of biotechnology at Trinity College , Dublin and co-vice chairman of EAGLES , welcomes Yang 's appeals .

  8. ERB考试——以负责此次考试的教育档案局(EducationalRecordsBureau)的名字命名——会决定一个孩子能否进入那些最优秀的私立幼儿园,例如有拉克伦•默多克(LachlanMurdoch)和伊万娜•特朗普(IvanaTrump)等校友的圣三一学院幼儿园(Trinity)。

    The ERB - named after the Educational Records Bureau which administers it - determines if a child can get into the best private schools , such as Trinity which includes Lachlan Murdoch and Ivana Trump among its alumni .

  9. 在剑桥,他没有得到三一学院的奖学金。

    At Cambridge he failed again to win a Trinity scholarship .

  10. 我是三一学院大龄入学学生之一。

    I was one of the older students attending Trinity College .

  11. 1668年的今天,艾萨克·牛顿从剑桥的三一学院获得一硕士学位。

    1668-Isaac Newton received an MA from Trinity College , Cambridge .

  12. 在研究员工作之余,他还管理三一学院的本科生。

    He supplemented his fellowship by supervising undergraduates in next-door Trinity Hall .

  13. 在圣三一学院从不缺少舞会。

    There is no shortage of partying at Trinity .

  14. 1661年,牛顿进入著名的剑桥“三一学院”。

    Newton entered Trinity College , Cambridge , in1661 .

  15. 三一学院是个给予均等机会的雇主。

    Trinity College is an Equal Opportunities Employer .

  16. 他当选为剑桥的三一学院的研究员和助理导师。

    He was elected a fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge and assistant tutor .

  17. 后来她回到都柏林上学,1966年毕业于三一学院。

    She later returned to Dublin to attend school and graduated from Trinity College in1966 .

  18. 圣三一学院图书馆:爱尔兰都柏林

    Trinity College Library : Dublin , Ireland

  19. 尽管三一学院也信仰道德自主,但却缺乏国王学院所鼓励的人际亲密。

    Trinity also inherited the moral autonomy , but without the personal intimacy that King 's encouraged .

  20. 在1929年12月在三一学院共度的那个星期之后,他们两个人都已经走过了很漫长的一段道路。

    Both of them had come a long way since that week in Trinity in December 1929 .

  21. 三一学院仍然很看重一些传统的标准,但这种新模式拓展了工作人员对才能的理解。

    While Trinity still values conventional measures , the new model has expanded the staff 's understanding of merit .

  22. 剑桥队的队长是三一学院的学生查尔斯·摩顿。

    The players at Cambridge were led , in part , by Charles Maldin , a student at Trinity College .

  23. 位于都柏林的圣三一学院图书馆是爱尔兰最古老的图书馆,由伊丽莎白一世女王主持建于1592年。

    The Trinity College Library in Dublin is the oldest library in Ireland , founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I.

  24. 1969年出任三一学院宪法学教授并任参议员达二十年之久。

    In1969 she became the Reid professor of constitutional law at Trinity College and was a senator for some twenty years .

  25. 他的同事、三一学院教授玛莉娜·林奇进行的研究表明健康饮食是保持思维敏捷的另一个必要条件。

    Research conducted by his Trinity College colleague Professor Marina Lynch showed healthy eating was another key requirement for staying on the ball .

  26. 珍闻:美国共和党总统候选人约翰·麦凯恩2006年在圣三一学院回答学生提问的时候也曾获得这一奖项。

    Tidbit : Republican presidential candidate John McCain was given this honor when he came to Trinity in2006 to answer questions from students .

  27. 尽管没有国王学院的同学,但艾伦的三一学院朋友莫瑞斯·普利斯,已经在这边待了一年了。

    There were none from King 's , but Alan 's friend Maurice Pryce from Trinity was in residence for a second year .

  28. 所以大家都说,圣三一学院的学生有着最高的入学平均分、最低的大一平均分以及最高的毕业平均分。

    It is often said that Trinity students have the highest entering averages , the lowest first-year averages and the highest graduating averages .

  29. 这座桥我几乎每天都要经过,桥右边的红楼是三一学院的图书馆。

    Almost every day I go through this bridge , and the red building at the right side is the library of Trinity College .

  30. 2007年获得都柏林圣三一学院电子音乐博士学位并在该校任教。

    In2007 he completed a PhD degree in Computer Music and Composition at Trinity College Dublin , where he also lectured for some time .