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wàn nián
  • ten thousand years;eternity;all ages
万年 [wàn nián]
  • [ten thousand years;all ages;eternity] 极其久远的年代

万年[wàn nián]
  1. 早在万年以前,中国就出现了陶器,而中国还是瓷器的故乡。

    As early as ten thousand years ago , China has emerged pottery . China is also the hometown of porcelain .

  2. 神的光芒耀如太阳,已垂世万年,与我们同在。

    When we 've been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun .

  3. 有人提出哺乳动物是在6500万年前取代恐龙的。

    It has been suggested that mammals took over from dinosaurs 65 million years ago .

  4. 2,000万年前,爱达荷州到处都是茂密的原始森林。

    Twenty million years ago , Idaho was populated by dense primordial forest .

  5. 科学家们相信人类是在500至700万年前由类人猿分化而来。

    Scientists believe that man diverged from the apes between 5 and 7 million years ago

  6. 化石搜集者们发掘出了一具大象骨骼,据信距今已有50万年。

    Fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant believed to be 500,000 years old .

  7. 2,000万年前,爱达荷州并不像现在这样干旱。相反,那时的爱达荷州温暖潮湿,有大片的原始森林。

    Twenty million years ago , Idaho was not the arid place it is now . Rather , it was warm and damp , populated by dense primordial forest

  8. 好吧,即使在20万年前,太多的冒险都能导致人死亡。

    Well , even 200,000 years ago , too much risk-taking could get one killed .

  9. 但人类在整整200万年的时间里享受着所有这些优势,在此期间,它们仍然是弱小、边缘化的生物。

    But humans enjoyed all of these advantages for a full 2 million years during which they remained weak and marginal creature .

  10. 地球有45亿年的历史,但人类在地球上生活的时间只有20万年。

    The Earth is 4.5 billion years old , but the human race has lived on it for just 200,000 years .

  11. 瓯江彩鲤起源于单倍型II为主的母系祖先,推算分化时间分别约在11.5万年、9.5万年前;

    Oujiang color carp would have originated from a maternal ancestor mainly composed of haplotype II , 115 thousand and 95 thousand years ago respectively .

  12. 70万年。到12.6万年(P.B.)

    In 0.7 MaBP . to 12.6 × 10ky ( P.B. )

  13. 过去对北非和中国干旱区140KaBP来环境演化的初步对比表明,两地的干旱度在万年时间尺度上基本同步。

    A preliminary comparison between the climatic evolution of the arid regions in North Africa and North China showed that the variations in the continental aridity on time scales of 104 years were approximately synchronous over the last 140 ka BP .

  14. 如果所计算的病毒年龄是正确的话,SIV已经有了成千上万年来进化生活于宿主却并不导致宿主罹患艾滋病的能力。

    If the calculated age is correct , SIV has had millennia to evolve its ability to live in its hosts without causing AIDS .

  15. 不管属于哪一种情况,WASP-18b似乎在50万年以内注定要灭亡。

    In either case , WASP-18b appears doomed to die within half a million years .

  16. 这位访客是一颗名叫伊森(ISON)的原始彗星,自走出家门已至少有100万年,它于美东时间周四下午飞抵近日点。

    The visitor , a pristine comet called ISON that left its home at least a million years ago , made its closest approach to the sun Thursday afternoon .

  17. F9断层最后一次较强烈活动的上限时间为距今9万年左右。结果表明,电站坝区是地壳活动相对较稳定的、较好的场点。

    While the upper limit of time of last faulting is 90 ka along the F9 . The dam area is a relatively stable area in modern tectonic activity and is a perfect engineering site .

  18. 利用1.5万年来的Δ14C记录和2600年来的太阳黑子周期长度(SCL)资料,发现太阳活动存在时间尺度为2.1~2.8ka的准周期波动,它们与全球气候的冷暖波动非常吻合。

    A quasi - periodic wave length about 2.1-2.8 ka was found with Δ 14C recorder since 15 ka BP and with the sunspot cycle length ( SCL ) over past 2600 years . They are identical in climate wave of cold and warm over the global .

  19. 十五万年以来的古气候及其研究方法综述

    Paleoclimate during the last 150 000 years and its study methods

  20. 在10万年前,海岸附近是另一批岛屿。

    A hundred millennia ago , different islands dotted the coast .

  21. 而每隔10万年就有两次这样的事件

    And there are about two of these events every 100,000 years

  22. 若尔盖地区25万年以来的植被与气候

    Vegetation and climate during the last 250 000 years in Zoige region

  23. 我想象着千年万年前的故事。

    I imagined some stories that happened long long ago .

  24. 一只被冰冻了2万年的半鱼人被科学家解冻

    A 20000yearold frozen fish man who was thawed out by scientists .

  25. 大熊猫在这里生活了成千上万年。

    Pandas have been living here for thousands of years .

  26. 最近的一次倒转发生在大约70万年前。

    The most recent reversal was about 700,000 years ago .

  27. 就在50万年前,英国还与法国北部相连。

    Just 5 00000 years ago Britain was joined to northern France .

  28. 在之后的1万年里,生命开始渐渐转移回来。

    Over the next 10000 years , life crept slowly back northward .

  29. 大概15万年前,语言开始形成

    About 150000 years ago , when language came online ,

  30. 早期的人在46万年前就已将洞穴作为栖身之地了。

    Early men first took shelter in the cave 460000 years ago .