
  • 网络banten;Banten province;Province of Banten
  1. 来自万丹省坦格朗市的37岁妇女的18岁儿子现也已确诊感染H5N1型禽流感。

    The18-year-old son of the37-year-old woman from Tangerang City , Banten Province has now also been confirmed as infected with H5N1 avian influenza .

  2. 这些病例发生在西爪哇和万丹省。

    The cases are from Western Java and Banten provinces .

  3. 第一例回顾性确诊病例为万丹省坦格朗一名8岁女童。

    The first retrospectively confirmed case was an8-year-old female from Tangerang in Banten Province .

  4. 20例来自万丹省,1例来自苏门答腊楠榜省。

    Twenty of the new cases are from the province of Banten , and one of the cases is from Lampung province , Sumatra .

  5. 第三个病例是一名来自万丹省坦格朗市的32岁男子,他于1月17日出现症状,1月24日住院,现仍在医院治疗。

    The third case , a32-year-old male from Tangerang Municipality , Banten Province , developed symptoms on17 January , was hospitalized on24 January and is currently in hospital .

  6. 新病例来自万丹和西爪哇省。

    The new cases are from the provinces of Banten and West Java .