
  1. 本片七月十五日在瑞典上映,七月二十九日在英国上映,八月十九日在波兰上映。

    Released 15 July in Sweden , 29 July in the UK and 19 August in Poland .

  2. 七月十五日之后注册的学生将加缴五十元的费用。

    A late fee of $ 50 will be imposed on all registrations completed after July 15 .

  3. 中元节在农历七月十五日,俗称“七月半“,又称“盂兰盆节”、“鬼节”。

    The Hungry-Ghost Festival falls on the15th of the7th lunar month , commonly known as " the Mid-July ", or " Ullambana "," the Ghost Festival " .

  4. 你晓谕以色列人说:'这七月十五日是住棚节,要在耶和华面前守这节七日。

    Say to the Israelites : 'On the fifteenth day of the seventh month the Lord 's Feast of Tabernacles begins , and it lasts for seven days .

  5. 过去学术界曾对七月十五节俗有所涉及,但研究工作较为薄弱,仍有许多重要问题没有弄清。

    Academics have involved in the festivals on July 15 , but the research relatively was weak , there are still many important issues which have not been clarified .

  6. 我国邮政自一九八O年七月十五日后,已同世界上十几个国家开办了特快专递邮件业务。

    Since July 15 , 1980 , the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of our country has established express delivery with more than a dozen countries in the world .

  7. 七月十五日,你们当有圣会。什么劳碌的工都不可作,要向耶和华守节七日。

    And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month let there be a holy meeting ; do no field-work , and keep a feast to the Lord for seven days ;

  8. 唐代儒、释、道三教均以七月十五日为其节日。这种现象的形成具有深层次的文化背景。

    Tang Dynasty Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism , " the three religions " are in for the festival on July 15 , the forming of the phenomena had a deep-seated cultural background .

  9. 七月十五日,你们也应召开圣会,一切劳工都不许做,为上主举行七天庆节。

    And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month , which shall be unto you holy and venerable , you shall do no servile work , but shall celebrate a solemnity to the Lord seven days .

  10. 七月十五日,我开始对这个小岛作更详细的勘察。七月十五日之后注册的学生将加缴五十元的费用。

    It was the 15th of July that I began to take a more particular survey of the island it self . A late fee of $ 50 will be imposed on all registrations completed after July 15 .

  11. 七月十五日守节的时候,七日他都要如此行,照逾越节的赎罪祭,燔祭,素祭,和油的条例一样。

    In the seventh month , on the fifteenth day of the month , at the feast , he is to give the same for seven days ; the sin-offering , the burned offering , the meal offering , and the oil as before .

  12. 然后是暖和的七月。假期从七月十五日开始。

    Then comes warm July .