
  1. 能和世界级高手交手,丁俊晖说自己感到很幸运。

    Ding Junhui said he felt lucky to have the chance to play against world-class opponents .

  2. 闲暇的时候,丁俊晖爱看成龙的电影,也喜欢游泳。

    In his spare time , Ding likes to watch Jackie Chan movies and enjoys swimming .

  3. 东方之星&丁俊晖

    The Oriental Star & Ding Junhui

  4. 台球明星丁俊晖再次赢得英国锦标赛冠军,高调复出。

    Star snooker player Ding Junhui announced his comeback by winning his second UK Championship title .

  5. 论社会力量投资竞技体育&从丁俊晖的例子分析我国竞技体育人才的培养

    On Social Investment in Sports

  6. 丁俊晖说自己作为世界台球圈中唯一一位中国巨星,有时也觉得孤独。

    Ding said that being the only Chinese superstar in world snooker was lonely , at times .

  7. 一天,丁俊晖编一整天的程序,突然觉得累了,于是便决定在房间内四处走走。

    One day , Ding compiled a full day program , I suddenly felt tired , so they decided to walk around the room .

  8. 据英国广播公司报道,周日在英国温布利斯诺克大师赛决赛上,丁俊晖10-4击败香港选手傅家俊,职业生涯首次夺得温布利大师赛冠军。

    Ding Junhui secured his first Masters title in snooker with a10-4 victory over Marco Fu in a historic all-Asian final at Wembley Sunday , the BBC reported .

  9. 假设他的行走速度是匀速的,现在,丁俊晖的母亲想知道他一共休息了多长时间以便提醒他继续工作。

    Assuming he s walking speed is uniform , and now , Dings mother wanted to know how long he was a total break to remind him to continue working .

  10. 由于职业习惯,丁俊晖走路始终是直线,而且碰到墙以后会反弹,入射角度与出射角度完全相同。

    As a habit , Ding Junhui is always walking a straight line , and hit the wall after the rebound , the incident angle and exit angle of the same .

  11. 查找相关法律、政策、意见及科研论文,分析了当前丁俊晖模式(社会力量投资竞技体育)金牌产生的必然性;

    On Social Investment in Sports Through finding out relevant law , policy , suggestion and research thesis , this essay analyzes the inevitability of gold medal of mode of Ding Jun-hui .