
  1. 九年一贯制学校递进式生命教育的实践研究

    The Study on Progressive Life Education in Nine-year School

  2. 九年一贯制学校校前及周围空间规划

    Spatial planning before and around nine-year coherent style schools

  3. 在不断深化素质教育改革的今日,九年一贯制学校亦将获得更多的机遇!

    It will become the main style of the nine-year coherent education and it will also get more developing chance in the deepen-reforming day .

  4. 分别以临河地区五所九年一贯制学校为例,对每所九年一贯制学校的管理模式的优点与共同的缺陷进行探讨。

    Linhe area has five nine-year schools , for example , each of the nine-year school-management model and the advantages of a common defect to explore .

  5. 在沿海及经济发达地区并不陌生的九年一贯制学校,在内地,尤其是西部地区却为数很少。

    The nine-year coherent school is not strange to costal regional or economic developed area but it is rarely seen in inland China and especially in western region .

  6. 通过调查研究、参阅各种资料,了解到目前已有九年一贯制学校管理模式有以块管理模式和以条管理模式,还有一些不成熟的管理方法。

    Through investigation and study , refer to a variety of information , know there are nine-year school management model " in order to block management " and " management rules ", there are a number of immature management .

  7. 随着农村中小学格局的不断调整,受各个地区的地理情况和客观条件限制,寄宿制学校成为了一种普遍的农村办学模式,农村寄宿制初中成为农村九年一贯制学校的重要组成部分。

    With the constantly adjust pattern of elementary and secondary schools in rural areas , according to each region of geography circumstance and objective restrictions , boarding school become a common rural school model , the countryside junior middle school become nine years rural boarding school construct an important component .

  8. 江苏省12年一贯制民办学校体育与健康课程实施现状的调查分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of the PE Courses Implementation of Jiangsu Province 12-year System Private School

  9. 五年一贯制师范学校以培养大专层次的小学教师为主要目标,决定了师范学校有着区别高中和普通高校古诗文教学的特殊性。

    Five-year normal schools aim at training primary-school teachers at the junior college level , which makes the teaching of ancient poetry and prose different from those in senior high schools and ordinary colleges and universities .