
yī bān tiáo jiàn
  • general conditions
  1. 本文讨论了随机线性模型中参数的可实现的GLS估计的渐近性质,说明在一般条件下,它仍保持了非随机模型的相同性质。

    The asymptotic properties of feasible GLS estimation of parameters in random coefficient panol date models were discussed . It was showed that the estimation keeps , under general conditions , the same properties as in noa-random coefficient models .

  2. 第三部分:发展危机产生的一般条件及阶段划分。

    Part ⅲ: the general conditions of the development of crises and Stages .

  3. 高次Bézier曲面片GC~2光滑拼接的一般条件

    General Condition of GC ~ 2 Continuity Adjacent of High Degree B é zier Surface Patches

  4. 采用变分法,对平均功率受限条件下的用户线的理论容量进行了估算,利用分别得到的白噪声和NEXT条件下的信道容量,给出了一般条件下用户信道的理论上限。

    Finally , the capacity in theory when average power is limited is estimated . Then noise and channel capacity in NEXT is gotten and the ultra-limitation of subscriber channel in theory in general condition is presented .

  5. 一般条件下,球形形貌、尺寸在50nm~0.5μm之间且分布窄的粉末有利于陶瓷的烧结。

    The powders with spherical and 50nm ~ 0.5 μ m in size are better for sintering of ceramics .

  6. 即使是用一般条件的硬件设备处理32位浮点精确度的超高清素材,Nuke的多线运算、扫描线式渲染引擎也能给特效师快速的回应。

    Even when processing high resolution footage at32-bit floating point precision on modest hardware , NUKE 's multi-threaded , scanline-based rendering engine gives rapid feedback .

  7. 根据作物干物质积累规律及其与养分摄取的关系,由Logistic方程和Mitscherlish公式导出了理想状况下作物生长中摄取养分的规律及一般条件下系统环境因素对它的影响;

    According to the rule of crop dry matter accumulation and the relationship between crop growth and nutrient absorption , a set of models describing the law of nutrient absorption during crop growing in ideal environmental conditions were derived from logistic equation and Mitscherlich 's Formula .

  8. 在局部Haar条件和其他一般条件下,把Bartelt和Henry的关于逼近域的线性一致逼近强单一性常数的连续性定理推广到非线性局部一致逼近。

    Using the local Haar and other conditions , Bartelt and Henry ′ s continuity theorem of the strong unicity constant in linear uniform approximation is generalized to include nonlinearity in the local uniform approximation for the local strong unicity constant .

  9. 在一般条件下讨论了实用的经济计量模型中扰动项方差的上界,并说明在相当大一类估计方法中,Dufour(1998)的结论仍是成立的。

    Under some general assumptions , the upper bound of the estimators of the disturbance variance in econometric models is discussed . The conclusion given in Dufour ( 1988 ) is still valid among a quite large class of econometric estimating mathods .

  10. GB/T13187-1991磁带录放音系统一般条件与要求

    Magnetic tape sound reoording and reproducing systems-General conditions and requirements

  11. 羰基在一般条件下不易被化学还原剂还原。

    The chemical reductants fail to reduce carbonyl group under ambient conditions .

  12. 在一般条件下重积分变量变换公式的一个证明

    Pro of of the transformation formula in the general case

  13. 一般条件下牛顿下降法的收敛性

    Convergence of Newton - Decline Method Under Common Conditions

  14. 一般条件下微分方程通解的研究

    Study of General Solution of General Differential Equation

  15. 精密阀门装配车间的一般条件

    General conditions of assembly workshop for precision valve

  16. 论保障措施实施的一般条件

    On the General Conditions for Implementing Protective Measures

  17. 在一般条件下,这些原子相互之间以不规则的角度排列。

    Under ordinary conditions , these atoms lies at random angles to one another .

  18. GB/T2374-1994染料染色测定的一般条件规定

    General rules for test dyeing of dyestuffs

  19. 特许经营合约的一般条件

    General conditions of the concession agreement

  20. 剩余价值存在的一般条件

    General Conditions for Surplus Value

  21. 一般条件包括行为人合格、意思表示真实和提存之债需为合法之债,特殊条件则指提存的法定原因和提存标的物合格。

    General conditionsincludes : qualified actors , intention expressed is genuine , and the debt must be legal .

  22. 所得到的公式可直接用于计算一般条件下的相对论性电子回旋波的传播和吸收问题。

    So the formula obtained here can be directly applied to the general situation of wave propagation and absorption .

  23. 本文提出了一种测量微波非互易网络S参数的新方法。此法简便,能在一般条件的微波实验室实现,适用于微波的各个波段且能得到较好的测量结果。

    A simple and convenient new procedure is presented for obtaining the scattering matrix of a microwave non-reciprocal network .

  24. 从这一角度看,人民币目前不具备实施本币贬值政策的一般条件。

    From this perspective , the current policies do not have to implement the devaluation of the general conditions .

  25. 一般条件下,您可以查看对调试来说十分关键的程序源代码。

    Naturally , being able to view the source of the program you are debugging is critical to debug .

  26. 利用常微分方程组理论在较一般条件下求出了线性有阻尼多自由度振动系统对任意外激励的精确响应。

    Exact response of damped linear vibrating systems to arbitrarily excitation is obtained according to theory of ordinary differential equations .

  27. A.W.Mcinnes在一般条件下(正规与非正规),研究了代数逼近的存在性与唯一性。

    A. W. Mcinnes studied the existence and uniqueness of algebraic approximation under general conditions , including normality and nonnormality .

  28. 本文提出了变异条件句这个概念,并把一般条件句和变异条件句加以比较。

    ? This paper puts forward the concept of varied conditional sentence and compares the general conditionals with the varied conditionals .

  29. [目的]评价光固化窝沟封闭在一般条件下用于预防龋病的效果。

    [ Objective ] To observe the clinical effect on the prevention of caries of pit and fissure sealant of light solidify .

  30. 在一般条件下,标准齿轮滚刀只能加工与其模数、压力角相同的同制齿轮。

    Generally , standard gear hobs are only used to machine gears with the same modul , pressure angle as hobs themselves .