
  • 网络General topology
  1. 本文主要讨论Fuzzy滤子的收敛理论,将一般拓扑学中滤子收敛方面的结果几乎全部推广到Fuzzy拓扑学中。

    The paper explores the theory of the convergence of fuzzy filter , extends most of results of filter convergence in general topology .

  2. 函数插入是一般拓扑学中的一个经典分支。

    The insertion of function is a classical branch in general topology .

  3. 在GO-空间中,不仅给一般拓扑学提供了精彩丰富的例证,而且架设了一般拓扑学和相关数学分支的桥梁,如格论、Domain理论、图论及实数理论等等。

    Not only does GO-space provide rich examples , but also GO-space buildes a bridge between general topology and related mathematics branches , such as Lattics theory , Domain theory , Graph theory , Real number theory , etc.

  4. 因而,在一般拓扑学中,把GO-空间作为一个单独的分支进行研究有着重要的理论和现实意义。

    Thus it is very important in theory and reality to study GO-space .

  5. 遗传性是一般拓扑学中研究的重要问题之一。

    Heritability is an important property in the study of the general topology .

  6. 广义度量空间理论是一般拓扑学研究的重要课题。

    The theory of generalized metric spaces is an important question of general topology .

  7. 映射与覆盖的方法是研究一般拓扑学的基本工具。

    The method of mappings and covers is a basic tool to study general topology .

  8. 日本一般拓扑学研究动态

    Recent developments in general topology of Japan

  9. 最后给出的两个实例,表明分子格上强导元算子与一般拓扑学及不分明拓扑学中相应概念的关系和区别。

    Then , by the aid of them , some descriptions of equivalence for complementary topology on Molecular Lattice are obtained .

  10. 至于是否M3→M1是一般拓扑学中最困难的经典性问题之一,至今尚未解决。

    Whether M_3 → M_1 , is one of the most difficult classic problems in general topology , which still remains open .

  11. 在最近由它们导入的关于子基的连通性基础上,给出了关于子基的局部连通性概念,并研究它的性质,得到一般拓扑学中局部连通性的一种推广。

    We introduce and study connectedness relative to a subbase for the topology , and obtain their some properties , which generalize connectedness in a general topology .

  12. 文[2]中将一般拓扑学中的分离性公理引入到不分明化拓扑空间中去,[3]给出了不分明化拓扑中半开集概念。

    The separation axiom in general topology was introduced into fuzzifying topology and a concept of semi open set was given by Ying M S et al .

  13. 本文研究由它们导出的关于子基的连通性的概念,它比一般拓扑学中的连通性的概念弱,但具有许多类似的性质,这些性质事实上也是连通性相应结果的推广。

    We introduce and study local connectedness relative to a subbase for the topology on the basis of connectedness relative to a subbase , and some properties are also discussed .

  14. 借助于水平拓扑,得到了下面结果:Starplus-连通性是一般拓扑学中连通性的好推广而且被连续映射保持。

    By means of level topology , we obtain the following results : starplus-connectedness is a good extension of connectedness in general topology and it is preserved by a continuous mapping .

  15. 一般拓扑学从19世纪由庞加莱开创为一个独立的科学分支至现在已经历了一百多年的发展历史。

    General topology has gone through over one hundred years'development since it was initiated to become a independent science branch by Poincare from the end of the 19th century to now .