- 名General absorption

However , the general combined absorption-compression refrigeration cycle used the same work medium , which had influence on the efficiency of absorption and compression refrigeration cycle to a certain extent respectively .
The general radar absorbing materials and Schiff Bases absorbing materials research and the synthesis method of the Schiff bases have been described . On this basis of this research goals and programs have been raised . 2 .
Ruthenium dyes possess special optical properties , they tend to have strong absorption in the visible area .
The cost is only 1 / 10 of the common ferrite absorption material . ( 3 refs )
However , if the loose body becomes trapped and reattaches to the synovium , it is then generally reabsorbed .
The compound structures are of clear superiority in resisting dynamic loading and can absorb more shock energy than ordinary structure .
Stellar spectra are characterized by obvious absorption lines or absorption bands , while those with emission lines are usually special stars such as Cataclysmic Variable stars ( CVs ), HerbigAe / Be etc. The further study of this kind of spectra is meaningful .