
  1. 深圳毗邻香港,到目前为止,很多深圳居民每天都可以凭借“一签多行”签注往返香港,比其他内地居民更便利、更频繁。

    Until now , many residents of Shenzhen , the city next to Hong Kong , could cross the border daily using multiple-entry permits - much more easily and often than many other mainland Chinese residents .

  2. 官方通讯社新华社报道,中国公安部周一表示,将会向申请“一签多行”签注的深圳永久居民发放“一周一行”签注。

    The Chinese Ministry of Public Security said on Monday that permanent residents of Shenzhen applying for new multiple-entry permits for Hong Kong would be limited to one visit a week , reported Xinhua , the state news agency .