
  • 网络One exposure;single exposure
  1. 方法:双能量减影摄影可以用两次曝光法和一次曝光法来完成。

    Methods : Dual energy subtraction digital chest radiography may be performed by dual exposure and single exposure techniques .

  2. 在此基础上,采用三束光一次曝光和湿法腐蚀图形转移技术,在n型(100)硅衬底上制备出了周期在亚微米量级的均匀二维图形阵列。

    Large-area uniform two-dimensional sub-micrometer patterned n-type doped ( 100 ) silicon substrate has been fabricated by single exposure with a triple beam and wet chemical etching .

  3. 方法:应用全脊柱专用暗盒架(2~3个IP板)一次曝光,分别逐个采集IP板信息至图像后处理工作站。

    Methods The film were exposed one time of total spine of patients by using the special cassette ( 2 ~ 3 IP plates ) . The information of IP plates were gathered to the image post processing workstation one by one separately .

  4. 用散斑屏一次曝光抽样实现密度假彩色编码

    Pseudocolor Density Encoding by Means of One Exposure Technique Through Speckle Screen

  5. 一次曝光法制备二维电调谐聚合物液晶光栅

    Two-Dimensional Electrically-Tunable Diffraction Grating Prepared by Single-Step Exposure Method

  6. 单色激光一次曝光记录真彩色全息图

    True color hologram making by single-exposure of one-wavelength laser

  7. 双能量一次曝光法能量减影的实现

    Implementation of One Short Dual Energy Subtraction

  8. 分析了提高衍射效率的途径以及两次曝光负片全息图与一次曝光负片全息图的关系。

    The method improving diffractive effeciency and the relation between one-exposure negative hologram and two-exposure negative hologram .

  9. 激光直写系统的应用,可以分成一次曝光制作光刻掩模和多次套刻曝光制作器件两个方面。

    Mask making with one step exposure and device making with multiple overlay exposure are applications of the system .

  10. 而层析成像光谱仪的焦平面探测器一次曝光获得的是数据立方体的一个或多个方向的透射投影数据,对多个不同投影方向的投影数据进行融合处理,便可重构整个数据立方体。

    However , the CTIS can obtain one or more projection ( s ) of " data cube " in each exposure .

  11. 累进中密度滤镜的使用使得在一次曝光下只需简单的几个后期处理便能捕捉到这样的夜景。

    The grad ND made it possible to capture this night scene in one exposure with some simple steps of post processing .

  12. 提出了二维空间色彩编码透明片的一次曝光无狭缝真彩色彩虹全息的记录方法,并讨论了再现真彩色彩虹全息像的条件。

    One exposure slitless true color rainbow holography for 2D spatial color encoded transparency is proposed , and the condition of reconstructed true color rainbow holographic image is also discussed .

  13. 上一次媒体曝光这样的违反安全规定现象,是在2013年一架韩亚航空(AsianaAirlines)飞机在旧金山发生致命撞击事故后。

    The last time such safety breaches were publicised was after the fatal crash of an Asiana Airlines jet in San Francisco in 2013 .

  14. 一种二次曝光散斑底片逐点分析装置微处理曝制的溅射装置

    An Apparatus for Analysing the Double-Exposure Speckle Photograph Point by Point

  15. 我的第一部电影,一次大胆的曝光

    Yeah , my first film . A daring expose on something ...

  16. 二氧化碳激光干涉仪一种二次曝光散斑底片逐点分析装置

    CO ^ 2 laser interferometer An Apparatus for Analysing the Double-Exposure Speckle Photograph Point by Point

  17. 而他最近的一次重要媒体曝光是在2004年9月,那时他因持有麻醉品而被捕。

    His last major media appearance was when he was arrested for possession of narcotics in September , 2004 .

  18. 本文介绍一种二次曝光合成狭缝彩虹消色象全息术,详细地分析了点源全息图的结构、消色象的分辨率和景深。

    A kind of double exposure synthetic-slit achromatic rainbow holography is proposed in this paper . The structure of point-source hologram , depth of field and resolution of achromatic image are discussed in detail .

  19. 这种方法在解决了DCG对氩离子激光器的不同光谱输出的感光度相匹配的基础上,实现了用一台激光器一次曝光制作DCG彩色反射全息图。

    Basing on matching of sensitivity of DCG plate with multi spectrum output of an Ar + laser , one exposure achieves Lippmann color DCG hologram using one laser .

  20. 在20世纪50年代,和纽约的很多华裔一样,洪和亲戚们的假身份在这样一次搜查中突然曝光。

    In the 1950s , Mr. Hom and his relatives , like many Chinese New Yorkers , suddenly faced the exposure of their false papers in just such an operation .

  21. 本文根据光全息记录的多重性,提出一种新的角度多重像面全息术,实现一次曝光记录全重叠多物像,并在不同的角度分别提取不同的单物信息。

    Based on the multiplicity of holographic recording , the paper presents a new kind of image plane holography-angle-multiple image plane holography , which can realize recording wholly overlapping multiple images of objects in one exposure and give the objects ' information respectively .

  22. 该方法用三色光栅相机将景物的彩色信息记录在一张透明片上,并使用散射参光法一次曝光合成一幅真彩色全息图。

    With this method , the color information of scenery is recorded on a transparent film by a tri-color grating camera and then synthesized into a true color hologram with scattering reference light in a single-exposure .

  23. 介绍了一种具有更高加工分辨率且可直接成形三维复杂微型器件的一次曝光型微立体光刻成形装置。

    An once exposition micro stereo-lithography prototyping device with higher machining resolution and can be used for directly prototyping 3D complex microstructure is introduced in this paper .