
  1. 2005年7月人民币进行汇制改革,不再盯住单一美元开始参考一揽子的汇率比价。

    In July of 2005 , the exchange system of RMB was reform , no longer only pegged to the dollar but started to refer to a package .

  2. 美元兑欧元及一揽子货币汇率上周跌至创纪录低点,而兑日元汇率则一度触及13年低点,其后略有回升。

    The dollar slumped last week to a record low against the euro and a basket of currencies , and touched a 13-year low against the yen before staging a slight recovery .

  3. 但日本股市上涨的同时,日元在走低,而与美元挂钩的人民币则与美元一同走高。衡量美元对一揽子货币汇率变化的美元指数已创下12年新高。

    But whereas Japanese rallies are correlated with a weakening yen , China 's renminbi is pegged to the US dollar , which has been hitting 12-year highs against a basket of currencies .

  4. 根据实证结果,建议改变目前汇率政策,实行盯住一揽子货币的汇率政策。

    The empirical result leads to corresponding policy suggestions .

  5. 在1980年代,政府根据一揽子货币确定汇率,随后又转向市场平均汇率。

    During the1980s , the government set the rate with reference to a basket of currencies , and later moved to a market-average system .