
  1. 解和研究这一史阶段化学教育的发展,对我国化学教育体系的发展和完善有著重要的意义。

    It is very important for the development and improvement of our country 's chemistry education system to understand and study history of this period .

  2. 霍华德大学是一所史上著名的黑人大学,为第一代学生提供了一系列的资源,包括帮助学生找顾问、让第一代学生相互联系以及TRIO项目,即一个支持200名霍华德大学学生的国家项目。

    Howard , a well-regarded historically black college , had an array of resources for its first-generation students , including matching kids with counselors , connecting first - generation students to one another , and TRIO , a national program that supported 200 students on Howard 's campus .

  3. 下面让我们来看一看史上最恐怖的10部影片有哪些:

    These are the top 10 scary films of all time :

  4. 这一带有史以来第一桩谋杀案。

    First murder on the books in this part of town .

  5. 我们是三个制作人在作一台史上最大规模的拉丁表演节目

    We 're 3 producers putting together the biggest latin live show ever .

  6. 好象是一位史小姐吧。

    Miss Shi or something like that .

  7. 本文给出了山地推覆体构造带地震勘探的一个史例,主要讨论:弯线采集技术的应用;

    A case of geophysical prospecting on mountainous nappe structures is introduced in this paper .

  8. 了解这一商业史对于发展和完善社会主义市场经济下的中介组织有启迪作用。

    Learning the commercial history can enlighten to develop intermediate organization under socialism market economy .

  9. 本节目将一探史上最重要、却也是最遭人忽视的发明之一。

    The show goes behind one of the most important and overlooked inventions of all time .

  10. 1960年,利特伍德雇请建筑师塞德里克·普莱斯设计了一座史上最与众不同的剧院。

    In 1960 , Littlewood hired architect Cedric Price to design the most radical theater in history .

  11. 《史通》中,刘知几史学思想突出的方面,一是史法上秉笔直书的精神;

    First is the spirit of " writing and recording history directly " in the aspect of the method .

  12. 但是他在研究中过分强调这一治史态度,从而出现了过度赞美甚至评价标准混乱的问题。

    But his study emphasizes the attitude to the history too much , resulting in excessive praise even evaluation standard chaotic problem .

  13. 为了深入理解这一思想史主题,就需要对历史文献作深入地把握。

    In order to deepen understanding of the theme of the history of human ideas , it is needed to grasp deeply historical documents .

  14. 这一文学史的重要事实提示我们应当重新估价生存“体验”之于中国现代文学发生的意义。

    This important fact in literature history reminded us to reevaluate the significance of ' living experience ' to the origin of Chinese modern literature .

  15. 1995年5月,卡特里娜飓风肆虐新奥尔良前十年,一场史上罕见的大洪水包围这座历史名城。

    In May 1995 , a decade before Hurricane Katrina laid siege to New Orleans , the historic city was beset by record levels of flooding .

  16. 第二章深入翟氏《中国文学史》内部,从文学史写作的相关理论出发,从内在结构上揭示这一文学史中暗含的前瞻性因素。

    The second chapter go deep into the interior and from the view of the literature history writing theories , revealed the implied forward-looking element on the internal structure .

  17. 威尼斯作家兼冒险家贾科莫·卡萨诺瓦向来以“受女人欢迎的男人”而著名,但是他同时还实施过一次史上最著名的越狱。

    Venetian writer and adventurer Giacomo Casanova is best remembered for being a ladies ' man , but he is also responsible for one of the all time great prison breaks .

  18. 绪论就国内外学术界50多年来对日本战争赔偿问题的研究状况做一学术史的回顾,并提出本文的研究方法、资料特征、学术价值和现实意义。

    The introduction reviews the history of the academic research on Japanese War Reparations during the past 50 years , and describes the academic value as well as practical significance on it .

  19. 澳大利亚近日开展了一项史上百佳歌曲评选,结果无一女星上榜,这表明,在广袤的澳洲大陆上,音乐发烧友们眼中的世界是一个男人的世界。

    An Australian vote for the 100 best songs of all time has showed it 's a man 's world for music fans Down Under , with not one female artist making the list .

  20. 文章把这一学术史热看作一种有意味的文化现象,着重讨论其中蕴含的人文意义,并提出了目前学术史研究中应当注意的问题。

    Taking it as a phenomenon with profound cultural significance , this paper discusses its humanistic implication and points out some issues that merit attention in the present study of the history of academic learning .

  21. 感染力十足的旋律、年度最受欢迎的首张专辑,还有许多热门单曲,包括一首史上最畅销的电子歌曲。

    Entertainment . PoP Misfit . Ladygaga talks art , music and fame.Infectious melodies , the biggest debut album of the year and hit singles including one of the best-selling digital songs of all time .

  22. 欧元启动了,这一货币史上史无前例的壮举,将给世界经济格局尤其是国际金融体系产生深刻的变革。

    Euro money , the unprecedented creation in world currency history , with its going into operation soon , is sure to bring about deep change on the pattern of world economy , especially the pattern of international financial system .

  23. 民主党人不愿与一位有史以来民众支持率最高的总统较量。

    Democrats were reluctant to take on a president whose popularity ratings were historically high

  24. 一百多年前,X射线的发现引发了一场医学史上的革命。

    More than 100 years ago , the discovery of X-ray caused a revolution in the medical history .

  25. 据《美发百科:一部文化史》(EncyclopediaofHair:ACulturalHistory)记载,在20世纪60年代中期,理发店数量骤减,成千上万家店面关门大吉。

    According to " Encyclopedia of Hair : A Cultural History , " they went into a slump in the mid - " 60s , and thousands went out of business .

  26. 迄今为止,G20成员国所采取的财政、货币和金融应对政策是前所未有的,共同构成了一项有史以来规模最大的全球经济刺激计划。

    To date , the fiscal , monetary and financial policy response across the G20 countries has been unprecedented amounting to the largest global stimulus the world has seen .

  27. 许多机构都热衷于采用这一方式,史塔福郡大学(StaffordshireUniversity)就是其中一个,该学校正通过合作关系在中国、印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、阿曼以及欧洲提供学位。

    Staffordshire University is one of many institutions that have enthusiastically embraced this , offering degrees through partnerships in China , India , Pakistan , Sri Lanka , Oman and Europe .

  28. 由此形成的专辑中不仅有《走运》这首华美的迪斯科,还有73岁的意大利制作人乔吉奥?莫罗德尔(GiorgioMoroder)概括其从艺生涯的一段口述史,一段有保罗?

    The resulting album features not only the lushly produced disco of ' Get Lucky , ' but also a career-recapping spoken-word history lesson from 73-year-old Italian producer Giorgio Moroder ;

  29. 《自然哲学的数学原理》是一本物理学史上首屈一指的鸿篇巨制,一部描述运动规律和万有引力的鸿篇巨著。为此,艾德蒙德·哈雷(EdmundHalley)给予了鼎力资助,次年这一巨著终于呈现在世人面前。艾德蒙德·哈雷本人因发现哈雷彗星而名垂青史。

    That the most important volume in the history of physics , which described the laws of motion and of gravity , saw the light of day the next year was , in the end , due to the deep pockets of Edmund Halley , of comet fame .

  30. 政体与法治:一个思想史的检讨

    Polity and Rule of Law : A Historical Review of Ideas