
  • 网络Non bis in idem;the principle of non bis in idem;Res judicata
  1. 一事不再理原则的设立是一项系统的工程,需要改变人们的传统思维习惯,还需要建立一系列的配套制度。

    The establishment of the non bis in idem principle is a project of system . We should change our traditional thinking and set up a series of related systems .

  2. 笔者通过比较研究一事不再理原则在大陆法系和英美法系主要国家的发展情况,在对各国一事不再理制度研究的基础上,归纳出我国一事不再理原则的适用标准。

    Through the comparative study of the principle of non bis in idem in continental law system and Anglo-American law system countries development , in the national idem system on the basis of the study , summed up our country the principle of non bis in idem applicable standards .

  3. 国际体育仲裁中一事不再理原则的适用

    The Principle Against Double Jeopardy in the International Arbitration for Sports

  4. 论一事不再理原则

    On the Principle that One Case Cannot Be Treated Again

  5. 论一事不再理原则在我国的构建

    The Construction of Non Bis Idem in Our Country

  6. 刑事诉讼一事不再理原则研究

    Research on " Non Bis in Idem "

  7. 论一事不再理原则与我国死刑案件的再审

    On Non Bis in Idem and the Retrial of Ch in a 's Death Penalty Case

  8. 起源于古罗马法时期的一事不再理原则有着悠久的历史。

    Originated in the period of the Roman law no bis in idem has a long history .

  9. 一事不再理原则是一项古老的法律原则,在古罗马时期的法律制度中就已现其踪影。

    The One Case Not Tried Twice Doctrine is a time-honored principal originating from the Roman Law .

  10. 比较而言,一事不再理原则更符合我国的实际。

    The principle of non bis in idem are more in accord with the reality of China .

  11. 论一事不再理原则对刑事再审的规制

    The Regularization and Restriction of the Principle of Non Bis In Idem on the Criminal Retrial Proedure

  12. 最后,笔者提出了我国一事不再理原则的建构。

    Finally , the author put forward our country to the principle of non bis in idem construction .

  13. 我国法学界对一事不再理原则的概念有广义说和狭义说之分。

    The concept is divided into broad sense and narrow sense by the academic circles of science of law .

  14. 但是我国民事诉讼法中没有明确系统地论述一事不再理原则。

    But in our civil procedure law does not explicitly discuss systematically the principle of non bis in idem .

  15. 因此,一事不再理原则在各国民事诉讼中都有着非常重要的地位。

    Therefore , the principle of non bis in idem in our civil procedure law has a very important position .

  16. 笔者通过对一事不再理原则的历史发展进行考察,发现在古罗马时期,一事不再理原则就包含着诉讼系属和既判力两层含义。

    Through inspecting the historical development , the author finds that this principle includes two levels of content in the ancient Roman period .

  17. 在我国刑事诉讼法制现代化的过程中,有必要接受一事不再理原则并根据该原则的要求对相关刑事诉讼制度进行改革。

    Non bis in idem principle should find its position in Chinese criminal procedure during the period of modernization of criminal justice in China .

  18. 一事不再理原则有着悠久的历史,它的历史可以追溯到古罗马法时期。

    The principle of non bis in idem has a long history , its history can be traced back to the ancient Rome law times .

  19. 并提出我国应顺应历史潮流,在刑事诉讼法中确立一事不再理原则,并相应地完善我国的刑事再审程序。

    So this article holds that we should conform to the march of times , introduce the rule into China and improve our criminal retrial procedure correspondingly .

  20. 一事不再理原则是现代刑事审判的一项重要原则,已在许多国家的司法体系中得到了确认。

    One case cannot be treated again by the court is a cardinal principle in modern criminal procedure and has been established in judicial systems of many countries .

  21. 本部分首先阐述了大陆法系国家普遍采用的一事不再理原则和英美法系国家适用的禁止双重危险规则涵义及其适用的例外。

    The author demonstrates the theory of ne bis in idem in continental law system and the rule against double jeopardy in common law system and their exceptions .

  22. 一事不再理原则起源于古罗马法,现已成为大陆法系和英美法系国家刑事司法体系中的一项基本原则。

    Non Bis Idem which originated from the Roman Law , has been considered a cornerstone of modern criminal justice administration in the civil law and the common law .

  23. 我国现行刑事诉讼制度没有确立一事不再理原则,并且现行刑事诉讼法的有关规定同该原则存在着某些冲突。

    Non bis in idem principle has not been contained in the criminal procedure law of China , however some stipulations in Chinese laws are in conflict with this principle .

  24. 首先对刑事再审程序与一事不再理原则的概念、历史沿革和理论基础进行了介绍,并对二者的关系进行了分析。

    First , the criminal retrial procedure and the principle of non bis in idem concept , historical evolution and theoretical basis are introduced , and the analysis of two relations .

  25. 因此,我国有必要引入一事不再理原则,并在此基础上完善再审制度,使其适应现代法治文明的要求。

    It is necessary to introduce the principle of non bis in idem , and on this basis to improve the retrial system to adapt to the needs of modern civilization .

  26. 二是顺应国际公约精神,修改刑法和刑事诉讼法,确立一事不再理原则,避免法律规定与司法实践的矛盾;

    Secondly , criminal law and criminal litigation law are to be modified following the spirit of international convention so as to avoid the contradiction between legal regulation and the judicial practice .

  27. 刑事再审程序定位存在问题是我国传统司法观念对于错案必纠的推崇和一事不再理原则的缺失的结果。

    The criminal re-trying procedure localization existence question is our country tradition judicature idea the esteem which and the incident must investigate regarding the misjudged law case no longer manages the principle the flaw result .

  28. 刑事再审程序是一事不再理原则的例外,其启动应受启动理由严格性、有利于被告、不告不理等原则限制。

    The criminal retrial procedure is an exception to the " double jeopardy " principle , and it should only be started under such restrictions as strict reasonableness , preferential to the prosecuted , no trial without complaint , etc.

  29. 最后详细地论述了我国引入一事不再理原则的必要性、可行性,并对如何改革和完善我国的再审制度提出了构想。

    Finally , this paper discussed in detail the our country introduces the principle of non bis in idem of necessity , feasibility , and on how to reform and perfect our criminal retrial system put forward his conception .

  30. 禁止双重危险原则发轫于罗马法一事不再理原则,为许多国家的宪法或刑事诉讼法所规定,是现代刑事司法的一项基石原则。

    The rule against double jeopardy , which originated from the principle of Non Bis Idem in the Roman law , has been stipulated in constitution or criminal procedural law in many nations and is considered a cornerstone of modern criminal justice administration .