
  • 网络A Goal;One goal;One Aim
  1. 他们人生的一个目标就是要变成有钱人。

    Their one aim in life is to get rich

  2. PAL制采色电视信号编码以压缩到34Mb/s可容纳到脉码通信三次群中为一个目标。

    One aim of the coding of PAL color signal is on compressing signals to 34 Mb / s which is compatible to the third PCM-hierarchy for transmission .

  3. 你应该在下学期开始的时候制定一个目标。

    You should set an objective at the beginning of next semester .

  4. 事实上,就至少一个目标而言,在世界上的某些地方我们已经取得了巨大的进步——实施计划生育政策以及相应地向小型家庭过渡。

    Indeed , we have made substantial progress in some parts of the world on at least one of these —— the distribution of family-planning services and the associated shift to smaller families .

  5. 这给了我一个目标。

    This has given me a purpose .

  6. 研究告诉我们,当我们写下一个目标时,我们更有可能实现它。

    Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it .

  7. 在社区的帮助下,科皮拉山谷学校在2010年实现了另一个目标。

    With the help from the community , another goal was reached in 2010 — the Kopila Valley School .

  8. 不是你的父母,你过去的关系或你的工作,而是你和对你设定的每一个目标负责的唯一的一个你。

    It 's not your parents , your past relationships or your job , but you and only you that are responsible for every goal you set .

  9. 诚然,不是每一个目标都能达到;不是每一份工作都能取得成功;不是每一个梦想都能实现。

    It is true that not every goal will be achieved , not every job will end up with a success , and not every dream will come true .

  10. 三级-用静默诅咒折磨一个目标。

    Level 3-Afflicts a target with the Curse of the Silent .

  11. 你需要为自己的职业发展设定一个目标和计划。

    You need to have an objective3 and a plan for your career development .

  12. 我们需要一个目标明确的销售人员。

    We need a goal-oriented salesperson1 .

  13. 目标(Target):每个策略只有一个目标。

    Target : Each policy has only one target .

  14. 该应用程序的一个目标就是允许使用不同的服务实现,以此来测试和演示不同Web服务环境之间的互操作性。

    One goal of the application is to allow the use of different service implementations , to test and demonstrate interoperability between different web services environments .

  15. 指定要安装的PEAR文件并提供一个目标目录,然后单击Install。

    Specify the PEAR file to be installed and provide a destination directory , then click on Install .

  16. 如果在命令行中给出了一个目标(例如makefoo),那么make就会试图编译这个目标。

    If a target is given on the command line ( for example , make foo ), then make will attempt to build that target .

  17. 请选择一个目标ou。

    Please select a target ou .

  18. 此函数从Clojure特殊形式的loop开始,它将为函数末尾处的recur创建一个目标。

    This function starts with the Clojure special form loop , which creates a target for the recur at the end of the function .

  19. 并指出粒子PHD滤波在仅有一个目标且没有新生目标,没有目标的消亡,没有杂波和探测概率为1的条件下便退化为标准粒子滤波。

    The particle PHD filter reduces to the standard particle filter in the case where there is only one target with no birth , no death , no clutter and unity probability of detection .

  20. 研制30t以上大轴重货车转向架是中国重载运输发展的下一个目标,其中对径向转向架的重载化改造是可行的路径之一。

    Developing big axle load freight bogie above 30t is the next target of China heavy haul , and the transformation to heavy haul on the steering bogie is a feasible path .

  21. 让我们能查清楚他的下一个目标吗?

    So that we could pinpoint where he might hit next ?

  22. 他们会设定一个目标,看着自己实现。

    They set a goal and see themselves achieving it .

  23. 我们相信她们是绑匪的下一个目标。

    We believe they are the kidnapper 's next victims .

  24. 另一个目标是让卫生人员具有跨文化的技能。

    Another objective is to give health personnel intercultural skills .

  25. 脸小康也重新启动游戏后,每一个目标。

    A face-off also restarts the game after each goal .

  26. 这表明,金钱是中国海外梦想的一个目标。

    That suggests money is an object to Chinese ambitions .

  27. 此类映射只有一个目标。

    This type of mapping has only a target .

  28. 下一个目标就是允许结构化注释。

    The next goal was to allow structured annotations .

  29. 给自己一个目标,告诉自己要积极向上。

    Give own a target , tell that oneself wants actively and upward .

  30. 设定一个目标,想想自己实现了它。

    Set a goal and see yourself achieving it .