
  1. 一些语言专家认为,一万年前,当世界上只有五百万到一千万人口时,人们之间可能存在12000种语言。

    Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago , when the world had just five to ten million people , they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them .

  2. 最早只出现在大约一万年前

    which only arose about 10000 years ago at the earliest .

  3. 一万年以后,也要奋斗。

    Even ten thousand years from now people should work hard .

  4. 王麻子、张小泉的刀剪一万年也不要搞掉。

    Pock-marked no , not even ten thousand years from now .

  5. 修道院的城墙保卫了它一万年。

    The walls of this monastery have protected her for10000 years .

  6. 就这样持续了一万年?

    This has been going on for ten thousand years ?

  7. 至少在最近一万年里

    At least not in the last 1 0000 years .

  8. 按一英尺花岗岩耐磨一万年计算

    It takes 10000 years to wear away an inch of granite .

  9. 一万年以来凉山地区气候变迁

    Climate changes in Liangshan Mountain Areas since 10000 years before

  10. 一万年后,我也会忘记很多东西。

    I imagine I 'd forget a lot in10000 years , too .

  11. 约在一万年以前,人类就开始从事畜牧业的工作。

    Beginning nearly 10,000 years ago , man adopted animal husbandry practices .

  12. 他们已在现在的阿拉斯加和加拿大所在地居住了一万年。

    They have lived in what is now Alaska and Canada for10,000 years .

  13. 总是瞻前顾后,先把困难摆出来,那你就准备光光一万年吧。

    He could never get a woman like that in a million years .

  14. 爱你一万年,爱你经得起考验?

    Love you a thousand years , you stand the test of love ?

  15. 一万年都要学习嘛!

    We must be ready to learn even ten thousand years from now .

  16. 大约在一万年前,美索不达米亚地区的人民开始种植野生谷物。

    Humans first began domesticating wild grains around 10000 years ago in Mesopotamia .

  17. 人类大约在一万年前开始驯化野生牛。

    Humans started to wild cows about eight to ten thousand years ago .

  18. 我希望是一万年。

    I hope it was one thousand year .

  19. 你永远都是我的天才,一百年,一千年,一万年。

    Syusuke , you are the best , How I love you so much !

  20. 我们并不是在基因上比一万年前的祖先强壮

    Well we 're no genetically hardier than our ancestors were 10000 years ago .

  21. 大约八千&一万年前人类开始驯化野牛。

    Humans started to domesticate wild cows about eight to ten thousand years ago .

  22. 一万年太久,只争朝夕;在最短时间内取得最大的进展;

    The best progress in a short time .

  23. 牵手同越新一年,相依相伴一万年!

    In hand with the Vietnamese new year , accompanied by ten thousand dependencies !

  24. 爱你一万年,夸张!

    Love you for10,000 years , exaggerate !

  25. 一万年前的地球刚从冰河期里走出来。

    The Earth of 10000 years ago was just emerging from a deep cold period .

  26. 牧民们已经积累了一万年丰富的畜牧经验,知道如何群养和迁徙他们的动物,

    We 'd had 10000 years of extremely knowledgeable pastoralists bunching and moving their animals ,

  27. 一万年太久,只争朝夕。

    Ten thousand years are too long , seize the day , seize the hour !

  28. 我们并不是在基因上比一万年前的祖先强壮。

    Well , we 're no genetically hardier than our ancestors were 10000 years ago .

  29. 一万年前,地球上只有大概五百万人。

    Ten thousand years ago , there were about five million human beings on Earth .

  30. 如果要给这份爱情一个期限,我希望是一万年!

    If the love was given a deadline , I hope it will be an eternity .