That paradox has stumped some of Silicon Valley 's smartest investors since " open source " software broke on to the tech scene , with the rise of the Linux operating system 15 years ago .
I suspect that smart investors know that .
Picking a winner out of that lot is likely to be difficult even for the smartest investor .
When investors are acting as a herd , the smartest investors take profits ; the rest scramble to follow .
For example , if I 'm a savvy investor , I would much rather spend the minimum amount possible on my car .
As yet , none of the theories has been decisively proved correct . A lot of smart investors have been caught out as a consequence .
In an interview , Rogers said wise investors are flocking into Asia and China , which is as similar as European investors swarmed into New York in1907 .
EXAMPLE : The troubled company announced a reorganization and its stock price increased suddenly , but smart investors sold on the good news and took their profits .
Smart investors understand that the combination of high indebtedness , high interest rates and low growth raises dramatically the risk of default at some point in the future .
Two of those books are first editions of The Wealth of Nations ( 1776 ), by Adam Smith , and The Intelligent Investor ( 1949 ), by Benjamin Graham .
The smart investor will ask questions to tease out how well an adviser understands what he 's trying to sell and when the fund tends to perform well or not .
While 2010 does not look like a great investment opportunity at this early stage , the smart money will focus on a handful of stand-out vintages that seem good value .
Before smart investors write a check , they , or a trusted consultant , will want to meet and talk with your key team members , several customers and evaluate the real product .
True arbitrage does not involve taking risks , but without a shadow portfolio , exploiting errors in the stock market does : rather than guaranteeing a profit , suddenly the smart investor is simply hoping for one .
Nor can a bunch of " super-smart " investors necessarily keep prices in line ;
That requires one to believe in smart bond investors and dumb equity investors , both of whom are often working for the same organisations .
Startups devise some fairly clever tactics to sell investors on their business models , but Russian tech entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov 's newest venture sells itself : Invest in his new research and development interest and the payoff could be immortality .