- abbr.zp公司;zeta potential ζ-电势

But the ZP thickness of the embryos in the experiment group was thicker than that of the control group after ablation with enzyme ( P < 0.001 ) .
The sperm recognizing to eggs is completed in mammalian species by sperm head glycoproteins specific binding to a complementary glycoproteins located on the egg ZP .
The Nitrogen Release Character of the Coated Fertilizer ZP and its Effect on Summer Maize
Expression and identification of recombinant pig ZP 3 α cDNA in E.coli
It is found that the ZP mode pilot can overcome the metric plateau .
Silico Cloning and Analysis of ZP Gene in Yellow Perch
There were no significant relation between the diameter of oocyte and thickness of ZP .
Double immunodiffusion showed that the purified ZP antigen has tissue specificity and immunological activity .
Low Order ZP / LTR Control for Aeroengines
The nitrogen release character of ZP coated fertilizer and its effect on summer maize were studied by field plot test .
Zp : Oh , come on ! I know you 're playing computer games . I 'm watching TV .
The methods propose to utilize the zero padding prefix ( ZP ) characteristic of ZP-OFDM systems .
Objective To evaluate the effect of freezing-thawing on the zona pellucida ( ZP ) of embryos .
Results : All immunized mice developed high titers of serum antibodies to ZP and low concentrations of serum estradiol ( P < 0.01 ) .
The new scheme added the zero padding ( ZP ) between the linear dispersion codeword to mitigate the effect of asynchronism .
Zona pellucida ( ZP ) is a potential target antigen which is used to develop a progestational contraceptive vaccine .
Locate ZP Address with DHCP
Of the different treats with equal quantity of nitrogen , the one mixed with higher proportion coated fertilizer ZP accumulated higher amount of nitrogen and got higher N-utilization rate ;
To improve thermal property of coke and decrease application cost , three new type coke deterioration inhibitor , A , B and ZP , were studied by comparing with H3BO3 .
A new technology for flotation of wolframite and scheelite using a new type of GY chelating collector and a effective activator ZP of wolfram minerals was developed .
These results show that the antifertility effect of immunization by porcine ZP , no matter iso-or hetero , is related to its inhibition of ovarian function .
The colony of ZP is bottle green on the solid culture medium of beef extract , because the bacterial strain ZP is able to produce water-solubility pigment .
The ZP thickness of embryos after ablation with enzyme were ( 13.01 ± 0.88 ) μ m and ( 8.70 ± 0.73 ) μ m in the experiment and control groups , respectively .
In this paper , an extension theorem on Z-complete posets is given , and it is proved that the category of ZP is a Cartesian closed category .
Objective To study the correlation between expression of mannose-ligand receptor ( MR ) on capacitated human sperm in vitro and acrosome reaction induced by zona pellucida ( ZP ) .
This feasibility research project was strict according to the requests of feasibility research , proved the feasibility of the chengdu M6 sedan sales and service center Project of ZP Auto Sales Company from each aspect .
ZP binding to receptors in the plasma membrane can regulate adenyl cyclase ( AC ) leading to elevation of cAMP and protein kinase A ( PKA ) activation .
The performances for both cycle prefix ( CP ) and zeros-padding ( ZP ) mode pilots are compared and analyzed in the case of unknown channel order ( UCO ) .
Simulation shows that PP-OFDM has lower Bit Error Rate than CP / ZP-OFDM because of better channel estimation performance , when CP / ZP / PP-OFDM have their own optimal pilot power allocation respectively .
Effect of solution used for bisection , embryo development before freezing and coating demi-embryos with or without zona pellucida ( ZP ) after bisection on bisection of frozen-thawed embryos was studied .