
At the end of 2019 's " Spider-Man : Far From Home , " Spider-Man 's secret identity was revealed to the world , and now it seems Peter Parker ( Tom Holland ) , MJ ( Zendaya ) and all of their closest family and friends are dealing with the consequences of that .
Most fans are completely shocked over the reports due to the success of the " Spider-Man " movies led by Holland and Zendaya .
He also has a collaboration with the plus-size store Lane Bryant , for which he held a runway show at the United Nations this year , and has dressed other celebrities , including Kate Hudson and Zendaya .
Timoth é e Chalamet is the messianic hero ; the other big names include Javier Bardem , Oscar Isaac , Josh Brolin , Rebecca Ferguson , Jason Momoa , Charlotte Rampling , Zendaya and Dave Bautista .