- 网络早报

Lianhe Zaobao held the annual Chinese character of the year poll since 2011 .
Will zaobao 's bi-lingual column continue to take on this challenge ?
These participants represented only a very small portion of Zaobao online 's readers .
He contributed this article to Lianhe Zaobao in his personal capacity .
Lianhe Zaobao has shown great foresight by not missing the internet .
Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore : My question is about the 12th Five-Year Plan .
Content of the Lianhe Zaobao differs from that of the English dailies .
The writer is Lianhe zaobao 's art journalist .
Among the messages to Zaobao online 's forum , quite a few were intended to mobilise people for another kind of political protest .
The dinner is regarded as the most expensive reunion dinner in China , the Singapore-based Lianhe Zaobao reported Monday .
The writer is an executive sub-editor of Lianhe zaobao .
Singapore is a tiny island country , but the fact that the homegrown Zaobao Online is on par with the People 's Daily is something Singaporeans should be proud of .
I have pointed out in an article published in Lianhe Zaobao in September that , school drop-outs constitute a serious wastage of education , for both the nation and the individual .
The Minister for news and the arts , BG George yeo , mentioned in his article at the relaunch of the Lianhe Zaobao recently that in many South-East Asian countries , many people are taking up Chinese as the second language .
Goh Sin Teck , editor-in-chief of Lianhe Zaobao , stressed that 2015 has been an especially eventful year for the media , from natural disasters to the passing of a great man , as well as various local and international news events that hold great significance both politically and historically .