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美 [ziː ˈɪndeks]英 [zed ˈɪndeks]
  • 网络z指数;Z轴;层级;层空间层叠等级;层号
  1. If you add positioning properties in source view , you must add the Z-index property manually .


  2. The modified Z-index is a better approach to reflect the temporal distribution of drought-flood in Yantai .


  3. Based on China 's monthly precipitation data from 1950 to 2000 and by using Z-index , 4 categories of floods were estimated .


  4. The first is z-index : 100 ;, which ensures the dialog container is displayed on top of other Web page elements .


  5. Through DOM scripting and the use of the CSS z-index property , you can simulate dialogs for a Web page .


  6. The Z-index in summer and autumn decreased , while the drought , tends in summer was clearer than that in autumn .


  7. The evaluation method of Z-index , which takes the spatial and temporal distribution characters of precipitation into consideration , can reveal the moisture-distribution in different time scales .


  8. The drought-flood grades are assessed using a modified Z-index method against the data of precipitation of Yantai Meteorological Bureau from 1956 to 2002 in this paper .


  9. Also important is the number of layers ( Z-index ) that can be placed on a Web page to accommodate the overflow of the expanded text and more intensive graphic images .


  10. The image is displayed , shown above the first image ( because the second image 's z-index is set to 1 , a really low number ), and moved up a bit so it covers the underlying image completely .


  11. Because Z-INDEX has defined the order which piles up one on top of another , was similar chart level which used in the graph design , Therefore had the Z-INDEX attribute block element to be called vividly the layer .


  12. With the monthly precipitation data of 7 sampling meteorological stations in the coastal area of Jiangsu Province from 1956 to 2000 , the anomalous percentage of precipitation , the standardized variable of precipitation and the Z-index are compared .


  13. From the aspect of the trend , the Z-index representing the financial stability of the listed private enterprises is decreasing from 2000 to 2004 , which implies that their financial risk is increasing every year in face of the fierce competition .


  14. In order to relieve these puzzles , W3C has contained an absolute fix characteristic in new CSS , it permited the designer locate some element to any place on the page , not only in parallel localization , but also increased three-dimensional space localization Z-INDEX .
