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  • abbr.无线办公系统;准尉(Weekly Operational Summary);陆军部全体工作人员;每周作业综合(Women Office School)
  1. Modified Fast Optimizing Algorithm for WOS Filters Designing


  2. The school wos renamed " Tsinghua School " in 1912 .


  3. Based on production planning and relevant WOs to determine according material requirement plans through calculation by running MRP module of ERP .


  4. Without the slightest hint of irony he said the accident wos the best thing that had ever happened to him .


  5. The superplastic extrusion of spur gears wos studied . The manner of extrusion is radial and the experiment material is Pb-Sn alloy .


  6. To meet the personalized demand in information publishing and management , we have developed our own " WOS digital signage software " and solutions for industries like bank and financial etc.


  7. Base on optimal stack filtering theory , the multi stage adaptive WOS filter is proposed by expressing the PBF of WOS filter in term of linear separate function .


  8. Consequently , two different foreign entry models start to be popular , they are " Joint Venture "( JV ) and " Wholly Owned Subsidiary "( WOS ) .


  9. In the WOS lean production system construction of WP group company , logistics and supply chain are the important part , especially to support the daily production operation into the factory logistics , as an indispensable part .


  10. At the end , it analysed the environment deployment of WOS operating system , and introduced the system level services and the core libraries , moreover , make the overall summary and give the prospect for the WOS system .


  11. FDI ( foreign direct investment ) in china have experienced three stage divided in turn as CJV ( contractual joint venture ), EJV ( equity joint venture ) and WOS ( wholly-owned subsidiary ) which was used as the major entry mode .


  12. From this expression , the adaptive algorithms for optimizing WOS filters on the LNE criterion ( with MAE and MSE criteria as its special cases ) have been proposed . The effectiveness of the algorithm is verified by experiments , so the optimization problem of WOS has been resolved .
