
  • n.威廉;维勒
  1. Formal Concept was first introduced by the German professor R. Wille in 1982 .


  2. Wille and Joe had no use for generals .


  3. This year , this ratio will increase to one in four , according to Guillermo Wille , the centre 's managing director .


  4. Perhaps the clearest illustration of how things are changing is provided by Mr Wille at the Welch centre .


  5. When ambient tempera-ture is lower than 0 ℃, The setting rate of SSLD Wille be decreased .


  6. The formal concept analysis has been greatly applied to many fields , such as software engineering , knowledge discovery and professor Wille presented information retrieval in recent years since it .


  7. Concept lattice theory , also called formal concept analysis , proposed by Wille R. in the same year , is a method for data analysis used in finding ordering and displaying of concepts .


  8. Fuzzy concept lattices with respect to a fuzzy formal context was derived , and their hierarchical structure , fuzzy concept generated from fuzzy set and the fix point of Wille operator were discussed .


  9. Luxun considered Nietzsche as an advocator for " der Wille zur Macht " and "ü bermensch ", and a criticizer to western modern culture in the early period .


  10. Kirk Wille , the importer 's vice president , wrote in an email that Silvaner was just too obscure , and that the educational outreach that his company would have had to mount on behalf of the grape would have been too costly .


  11. Schopenhauer , whom Richard Wagner , with special reference to this point , praises for an unsurpassable clearness and clarity of exposition , expresses himself most thoroughly on the subject in the following passage which I shall cite here at full length ( Welt als Wille und Vorstellung , I , p. 309 ) :
