- n.飕飕声;奇才
- v.飕飕作声;使飕飕作声
- whiz的第三人称单数和复数;whizz的第三人称单数和复数

You know , the mind whizzes away like a washing machine going round and round ,
Time just whizzes past when you 're enjoying yourself .
Chess whizzes , for example , recognize patterns more quickly than amateurs .
It flies so fast you can barely get a glimpse of it as it whizzes past .
Of course , the number of financial whizzes who caddied in their youth might be sheer coincidence , but Dick Connolly thinks not .
They wonder what these parents do to produce so many math whizzes and music prodigies , what it 's like inside the family , and whether they could do it too .
For two years , bankers , hedge-fund managers , private-equity whizzes and the like have been blamed for the excesses that led to taxpayers'money being poured into bad banks .
So the man decided to turn to the internet for help , sharing the original snap on Imgur , along with a plea for photo-editing whizzes to clean it up and remove the offending photobomber 。
For example at the end of superman 1 , superman whizzes around the planet earth , because he is shocked that the Louis Lane 's just died . In the great earthquake caused by nuclear explosion when Lex Lothor detonates something .