
美 [ˈwɔtərˌbɛdz]英 [ˈwɔːtəbɛdz]
  • n.水床(铺橡胶或塑料充水床垫的床)
  • waterbed的复数
  1. Items that are not allowed in student rooms include : candles , ceiling fans , fireworks , waterbeds , sun lamps and wireless routers .


  2. Piglets on the waterbeds had fewer injuries and gained much more weight than the animals kept on concrete .


  3. Now they take turns to sleep on the waterbed using a thin mat .


  4. He observed that the infants had significantly more quiet sleep on the waterbed .


  5. The hotel also has a " nurse room "," animation room " and " waterbed room " .


  6. The waterbed effects not only accelerate monopolization in retailing but also deteriorate consumers'welfare .


  7. But when Wuhan was hit by 35 C temperatures last month , Gong came up with the idea of turning them into a waterbed .


  8. Gabrielle : Well , since we 're doing true confessions , Carlos and I once broke a waterbed in Cancoon .


  9. The apartment had a waterbed in it . And a Midi hi-fi .


  10. It is documented that this new technique for oil / gas prospecting cannot only be highly efficient and high quality for scientific drilling , but also be quickly to divide oil , gas and waterbeds .


  11. By flattening the noise amplification due to the waterbed effect in the whole disturbance amplification frequency band intuitively , the designed feedback controller can suppress the disturbance amplification to almost the minimum value for the given disturbance attenuation and ensure good stability of the system .
