- 网络沃尔瑟姆;瓦尔珊;沃尔瑟

Would you like to try it on , Miss Waltham ?
if it 's not too much trouble , please ... might I speak with Miss Emily Waltham , please ?
Miss Waltham is at the rehearsal dinner .
In Waltham , Mass . , final project management decisions were made at a low level and that allowed them to move the project forward in really tough times .
In late Spetember Adobe acquired Waltham , Mass . - based Virtual Ubiquity for an undisclosed sum , and in doing so officially entered the web office fray .
WEISS For a change of pace from the workout room , Healthpoint in Waltham , Massachusetts offers no sweat , big gain , a relaxation class where participants can detox from the day .
" It seems that this recovery is finally under way ," said George n.hatsopoulos , chief executive of the Thermo Electron corporation , a maker of industrial instruments in waltham , mass . " I believe it 's going to catch on this time . "