Stock assessment of walleye pollock in the North Pacific Ocean by acoustic survey
The test of rearing of fry and fingerling of walleye in pond
Study on the Structure and Physical Properties of Collagen from Walleye Pollock ( Theragra Chalcogramma ) Skin
The meat content and the nutrition composition of the muscle of Walleye from the culture pond have been measured and analysised .
Walleye Drop , Lake Clinton , Ohio
Studies on preparation and property of the edible walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) skin gelatin / chitosan composite films
Study on the Critical Aggregation Mass Concentration of Collagen from Walleye Pollock ( Theragra Chalcogramma ) Skin by Pyrene Probe
A 20ft , 600-pound walleye fish has made an appearance in this Lake Erie town since 1996 .
Residents hold an entire outdoor celebration ( where the temperatures can often be well below freezing ) with walleye chowder , sandwiches and even walleye-flavoured popcorn .
The walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) and alginate were mixed to make edible composite films , it improved the properties of the fish gelatin films .
The properties of skin gelatin films of walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) were examined before chitosan was added to improve the properties of the fish gelatin films .
Fabrication and Characterization of PLA-chitosan-gelatin Hybrid Porous Film ; Studies on preparation and property of the edible walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) skin gelatin / chitosan composite films
Blue pike : a freshwater food and game fish ( Strizostedion vitreum glaucum ) found in the Great Lakes . It is a variety of the walleye .
Based on the acoustic survey on the resource of walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) in the high seas of the Okhotsk Sea , the distribution of walleye pollock and the environmental characteristics of its fishing ground were studied , and the relationship between them were analyzed .