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  • 网络可变喷嘴涡轮增压器;可变喷嘴增压器;可变喷嘴涡轮
  1. Application of VNT Vibration Noise Detection Meter to Noise Measurement for Electric Machine


  2. Experimental Research on VNT Improving Diesel Engine Low-speed Performance


  3. The results show that the engine can achieve a good performance with VNT in the whole speed range .


  4. Study on Increasing EGR Rate of Diesel Engine with Venturi Pipe and VNT


  5. Experimental Study of Electronically Controlled CNG Engine with VNT


  6. Pressure Carburizing Analysis of the Velocity Transient Response of VNT in Turbocharged Diesel & Vehicle


  7. The variable nozzle turbocharger ( VNT ) electronic control system is developed to research it 's effects on the automotive engine .


  8. Variable geometry turbine ( VNT ) can improve the low-speed performance and emission of turbocharged diesel engine .


  9. The foreign electronic control system of VNT usually has a high cost and a complexity structure , while there is less domestic research in this field .


  10. Analysis on 32 VNT 2060 Preheater Abrasing , Air Leaking and Ash Stifling


  11. Thus , the electronically controlled fuel injection system with flexible fuel supply characteristics can fully demonstrate the potential of diesel with VNT turbocharger .


  12. VNT can improve the transient state characteristic of the turbocharged diesel engine , and benefits the steering performance of the vehicle in different operating mode .


  13. The experiment on the matching between a variable nozzle turbocharger ( VNT ) and CA498Z diesel engine is performed .


  14. The author analyzed the principle of reducing NO_X waste gas by EGR , selected a fit valve system , at the same time , analyzed the VNT system .


  15. The matching experiment for WD615 diesel engine with VNT was also carried out , and the results were compared with those with constant geometry turbocharger .


  16. Study on Status of Force Acting on VNT Guide Vanes Under Different Engine Working Conditions The Visualization of Axial Interval Adjustment between Stator and Rotor of Turbodrill


  17. The design features of HOWDEN VNT type stationary sealed air preheater , such as stationary seal system , double seals , driven system and bearings etc. are described .


  18. Variable Nozzle Turbocharger ( VNT ) is the chief type of VGT and it can match with the diesel engine by rotating its nozzle pivots .


  19. The performance and emission improvement of diesel engine boosted by VNT turbocharger may fail to realize at low speed range due to existence of boost pressure compensator ( BPC ) in fuel injection pump .


  20. The EGR rate could be increased by 2 % ~ 12 % through regulating the difference between the gas pressure before the VNT and the air pressure after the VNT by means of VNT adjustment .
