
  • 网络正直地;合乎道德地;善良地


in a chaste and virtuous manner
she lived chastely
Synonym: chastely
in a moral manner
he acted morally under the circumstances
Synonym: morally


  1. Pro31:29 Many daughters have done virtuously , but thou excellest them all .


  2. Virtuously , we turn them all down but order black coffee .


  3. Secondly , systematic and valid statutes are essential to develop the insurance intermediary virtuously .


  4. Style , functionality and engineering are now one and the same , and even mundane objects are virtuously designed .


  5. Attention should be paid to the virtuously interactive system between the inner-Party and the people in the Party 's supervision system .


  6. We should correctly treat the influence on social and personal development caused by value conflicts , build a higher level social value system to develop virtuously .


  7. Still , whatever our true motivation , behaving virtuously is almost always a good thing & and it will likely make us happier .


  8. We should , he said , behave virtuously , and he classified virtue under four headings , the so-called cardinal virtues .


  9. I mean to bring them up virtuously , and they shall be honest , and nice , and believe in God , by the sacred name !


  10. The moral hypocrite , by contrast , has convinced himself that he is acting virtuously even when he does something he would condemn in others .


  11. These moralists hold that the man who does not seek the pleasures of sense must be eschewing pleasure altogether , and virtuously .


  12. Many Web sites and mobile applications now help commuters , shoppers , and tourists in cities all over the world be virtuously selfish and take advantage of their transit options .


  13. It dwells on the relationship between the coordination of rule by law and west development , and begins with analyzing the function of coordination of rule by law to demonstrate the virtuously mutual relationship between them .


  14. To maintain and increase these financial investments , and improve financial efficiency , the paper proposes a reference model of the virtuously circular management mechanism for state enterprises capital 's worth preserve trusteeship to secede ( CWPTS ) .


  15. In this paper , we investigated how local innovation forces could be accumulated and transferred into the real applications , and how the forces could be re-innovated and circulated virtuously when information consulting organizations design the systems of knowledge management .


  16. " Well , the world would be a lot better off if there were more like him ," the pompous , swarthy little man now said virtuously , as if this sentiment expressed his own pious belief and practice .
