- abbr.垂直飞行机动(Vertical Flight Maneuver);电压频率监视器(Voltage Frequency Monitor)

Technology of vacuum film plating ( vfm ) applied to plastics
Fourth , the problems and difficulties of social security VFM audit are proposed .
A Study of Comparison for VFM and HFM in the High Energy Collision
Design of a Power Boosting VFM DC-DC Converter
The Analysis of VFM Audit of Britain
There were facts and figures of both good and bad VFM delivered by the associated projects .
On the basis of the introduction and analysis , we understood the advantages and disadvantages of VFM skill .
The Temporal-Spatial video models are applied in video monitor of steel-tube production . An object detecting and tracking method based VFM is proposed .
The result shows that the equipped stationary flat system is favorable to decreasing the trash and dust content and improving VFM percentage ;
The outstanding characteristic of PPP is that public sectors transfer risks to private sectors and private sectors pass VFM to public sectors .
The key is to make social security to maximize the benefits of social security funds ; therefore , strengthening the VFM audit is the most important task of social security .
According to different needs , VFM can change its configurable form to adapt variable mission and complete the function , if these functions are completed by conventional mechanism the structure will be very complex .
Social security fund pension benefits proposed audit directions : First , the VFM audit collection , and second , the effectiveness of audit expenses , third , the management effectiveness of the audit .
This thesis focuses on the issue of social security VFM audit ( Value for Money audit ) . To make social security audit work more scientific standard , we must highlight the VFM audit .
Social security VFM audit has the qualities of both universality and particularity , which is generally the sublimation of the financial audit , has its own special procedures , methods and content .
It attempts to improve the ability of auditors ' administration , scientific judgments , and supervision and macro-service support capabilities . It is trying to find a new solution for social security VFM audit to promote to a higher level of audit work forward .
Our country university adopts the PFI financing pattern , has the advantages on lightening the government 's financial burden , alleviating pressure on university funds and shifting risks , meanwhile has the insufficiencies on higher risks , numerous contracts and complex VFM evaluation criteria ;
PPPs lead marketization into public realm in order to integrate the resources in the public and private sectors , take the advantage of private finance and management resources , relax the public financing restriction , so as to fulfill the VFM ( Value-For-Money ) .