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  • 网络挥发性盐基氮;虚拟分支网络;挥发性盐基氨;荷兰花卉拍卖协会;花卉拍卖协会
  1. When done , he mailed the listings to VBN in Seattle to post on the web .


  2. Studies on the Long Distant Cold storage and Trans-portation of Chilled Hairtail-variance Analyses of the Change of the Values of VBN


  3. Recent projects developed by the private sector are Santa Row is such a space in Silicon Valley and City Center in Oakland ( a VBN designed project ) in Oakland .


  4. Histamine , volatile basic nitrogen ( VBN ) and total acid values are recommended to be used in the integrated assessment of fish meal quality as they are important parameters of its freshness .


  5. The correlation between the dietary CP level and the VBN and AN contents in thececal digesta , respectively , was not significant ( P > 0.05 ) .


  6. During a 1996 trip to Seattle to meet his partners at VBN , he seemed confident he would strike it rich , says Mr. Aho , who traveled with him .


  7. Relative errors by comparing remaining shelf life predicted based on growth model of Pseudomonas spp. with remaining shelf life experimentally determined by analyzing organoleptic 、 VBN and the number of Pseudomonas spp. on tilapia are 5.9 % and - 9.1 % , respectively .
