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  • 网络开路电压;西班牙开放大学;超级单片;超级芯片;西班牙加泰罗尼亚开放大学
  1. COC concentrations reached their maxium value 1 day later than DOC and UOC , and is the most active part in the DOC .


  2. Objective : To evaluate the significance of fluid therapy in premature infants using a drop of urine for measuring urine osmolarity ( UOC ) value with refractometer .


  3. During 1 ~ 5 days of age , their values of UOC and urine sodium ( UNa ) were measured every 12 hours , and their urine volume ( UV ) was collected daily .


  4. Liquid distribution curves of ERI and BL gas / liquid distributor are gentle as well . As for pressure drop , ERI gas / liquid distributor is the lowest , UOC is intermediary , and BL is higher ;


  5. Tne degree temperature distribution asymmetry of ERI and BL quench box are both lower than that asymmetry of UOC quench box . Pressure drop of ERI quench box is the lowest , UOC is intermediary , and BL is the highest .
