- adj.未成熟的;无经验的;未成熟的;无经验的;淡的,味淡的,未加调味料的

Among variables of change way efficiency of stock unseasoned issuance it is the paramount external variable .
Our food ration was two-hundred-and-fifty grams of black bread and one pint of unseasoned potato soup each day .
Unseasoned artillery volunteers ; still untested in battle ; an illustrator untried in mural painting .
In a summery , our national stock unseasoned issuance system change is featured with characteristics of compulsion , slowness and partialness .
In short order , the unseasoned British director of the film-within-the-film decides to leave the group in the jungle , abandoning the script , and film them instead with hidden cameras .
In this article , we investigate the short run and long run performance of the initial public offerings using data compiled for 201 unseasoned new issues of common stock brought to Shanghai or Shenzhen Security Exchange in 1997.We empirically analyze the value of investment in new issues .