- adj.无法获得的;难以达到的

As he grows you also age , and your ambitions become more unachievable .
A recovery in2009 is unachievable in the current economic climate , according to sector leaders .
This goal , however , looks increasingly distant and unachievable in today 's taiwan .
For example , regulatory harmonisation looks unachievable far better to aim for mutual recognition .
While perfect security is unachievable here , there are techniques that can limit how much damage each application can do .
Simulation result shows that the model can give higher accuracy , which is generally unachievable for time series model and multiple regression models .
Cheap , pesticide-free food is probably an unachievable objective .
This article was widely criticized by traditional instructors , as being far too optimistic and unachievable .
However , this leapfrog development is neither unconstrained imagination , nor a miracle unachievable .
Aim high , since with the unexpected breaking down barriers , once unachievable goals are now within your grasp .
Inner peace may seem like a mythical peak . Almost unachievable , far away , maybe even unreal for many .
You dream and then follow it up with a list of all the reasons why the dream is unachievable .
You may be dealing with a modern day Napoleon in the office if your manager demands the unachievable from her subordinates .
Focus on providing an engaging goal to motivate people to achieve it because they want to rather than a made up unachievable deadline .
Chapter Four makes an intensive study to his " reading the rainbow and recording " and the unachievable life ideal placed in such experimental novels .
Li noted that from the traditional car to the internet-enabled car , a leapfrog development is unachievable and it must follow the law of development .
As the key approach of enterprise external development , the update concept of Capital Management is providing us a new mode of economic development , which is unachievable and inconceivable under the traditional theory .
What the Chinese refer to as ' super materials ' are generally known as metamaterials , which are a new class of finely-engineered surfaces that could have properties unachievable with conventional materials .
Some competitor or other had achieved an inspiring degree of success and I was complaining to a mentor about how unachievable it seemed to me .
However , installing two or more aerials in the mobile terminal is very difficult , which leads to MIMO technology is unachievable in the Ad-hoc networks and the cellular networks .
In rejoining the alliance Scotland would need to commit to spending 2 % of its gross domestic product on defense spending , which given the uncertain economic outcome of an independence vote appears unachievable .
They describe the IPCC 's assumption that the majority of future emission reductions will occur spontaneously , in the absence of climate policies , as " optimistic at best and unachievable at worst " .
that deadline now looks unachievable , according to people close to the company , given financial difficulties at its main investor , the Chinese entertainment and technology group LeEco , and the halt to construction of its Nevada car factory .
Should the persons who have expressed their disagreement with the mediation proposal within the specified time period constitute more than one-half of the total number of individuals in their party , the mediation shall be regarded as unachievable .
There are many causes leading to them . Broadcasting industry entering the declining phase , its paradox double identity , and its localization cause the unachievable national broadcasting network , the incomplete legal system , and the negative influence brought by collectivization .