- n.收费公路
- turnpike的复数

Turnpikes for Stochastic Continuous Growth Model
Like canals and turnpikes , railroads received large amounts of government assistance in the early years .
The immigrants were employed building turnpikes and canals , and they died like flies in the swamps .
It has been becoming urgent to improve the performance of computer system for toll stations of turnpikes , which with high rate of broken-down because of poor working environment , such as dusty , electromagnetic disturbance .
There are thousands of miles of freeways , expressways and turnpikes , yet rapid journeys are not possible unless the driver is prepared to risk a heavy fine , for there is a speed limit of55 mph .
After making every possible enquiry on that side London , Colonel F. came on into Hertfordshire , anxiously renewing them at all the turnpikes , and at the inns in Barnet and Hatfield , but without any success ;