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  • 网络特伦;火车;二乙基三胺;乙基胺;三氨乙基胺;四齿配体
  1. ' 96 & '97 , three major fashion tren s of Asian gold jewelery


  2. And there is a new way to see a good chunk of it : the recently refurbished Tren Crucero .


  3. With the development of global economic integration , the influence of foreign trade on economic growth increases deeply , and the international trade is showing a free tren .


  4. Although the famous Tren Crucero was created for trade purposes , it now operates at a leisurely speed for tourists wanting to see banana plantations , active volcanoes and plenty of wildlife on a four-day trip .


  5. A new mixed coordination compound [ Zn ( tren ) ( 5-HSSA ) ] with 4N + O coordinated environment was synthesized based on the reaction of ZnO , 5-sulfosalicylic acid and tren in water-methanol mixed solvents where tren was tris ( 2-aminoethyl ) amine .
