- n.传统主义(认为传统习俗比现代思想对社会更重要)

Comparison Educational schools of the New Traditionalism
Without the stuffy traditionalism of many of his peers .
On Traditionalism of Western Modern Visual Art
Its cultural and ideological system includes humanism , moralism and traditionalism .
The New Tendency of the Reform of Teacher Education in America and Britain & From the Perspectives of New Liberalism and New Traditionalism
Traditionalism does not necessarily mean a slavish adherence to things of the past .
The concept of traditionalism through individual interaction and crossover between husband and wife affect the depression of partner .
The conflict of globalization , modernization and traditionalism will have a negative impact for the development of the feminist movement .
1920s , especially May 4th movement , is the furious time against traditionalism and moral warfare between old and new .
The so-called divinity is the traditionalism , the God is the ancestors .
In the period of social transition in modern times , Hakka Folk Songs had gone through the change from traditionalism to modernity .
In the first part , we used the correlational method to explore the relationship between the thinking style of Chinese and their traditionalism and modernism .
The Integration of Traditionalism and Post-modernism in Haruki Murakami 's Novels
The results show that : Husband hold the concept of traditionalism , which will increase the work-family conflict of both spouses .
All of the Chinese modern thought , learning and literature strove for their own position to realize the change from the traditionalism to modernism .
To this difficult situation , New Liberalism and New Traditionalism which are prevailing over in America and Britain are providing their own reflections .
In the 19th Century , American judicial system was caught in a fix between traditionalism and pragmatism as the society was undergoing changes .
Wife hold the concept of traditionalism , which will increase the work-family conflict of herself but decrease the husband 's work-family conflict .
Anti traditionalism , unity of revolution and reconstruct , and uncompromising staunchness and effectivity as its three characteristics are summed up by analysis and induction .
In the second part , we designed a situation questionnaire , which reflects traditionalism and modernism , to measure people 's attitude to birth and to examine how their thinking style affects them .
By the 90s there appeared in the field of urban design a design tendency to build pedestrian or urban public transport . Such a tendency was initially called New Traditionalism and later changed to New Urbanism .
Rejecting both pure traditionalism and blind imitation of the Christian West , he began what has become a continuing trend among Muslim modernists emphasizing pragmatic values needed for life in the modern world .
Unmarried couples gravitated toward big cities such as New York , Chicago , Los Angeles and San Francisco , while the farm states in the Great Plains and rural communities of the Midwest and West remained bastions of traditionalism , according to the survey .
Anne Murphy , general manager at Birds Eye , said : " The evening meal is still clearly central to family life and with some saying family time is on the increase and the appearance of a more frugal consumer , we think the return to traditionalism will continue as a trend . "