- adj.无足轻重的;不起作用的

According to tinpot information in the process of ERP system execution , an integrate system will be offered .
Design and Construction of Inclined High-capacity Bunker for Tinpot Coal under High Stress and through Multi-layer in Deep Mine
The causes of poor filtration capability were mainly the existence of colloidal carbohydrate and the application of tinpot diatomite during single passage filtration .
Aerodynamic Field Study on Anthracite and Tinpot Bituminous Coal in Different Layer Burner Catalytic Combustion Kinetics of Tinpot Coal Doped with Rare Earth Coal-Burning Additive by Thermogravimetric Experiment
After comparing the combustion characteristics of normal shape-coal and tinpot shape-coal , authors made one conclusion that the shape-coal fired boiler has lower economy when using tinpot shape-coal .