- 网络永恒;不受时间限制;无时间性

The only objective was to create something that could have a certain kind of timelessness . '
And what better way to generate a sense of timelessness than by painting time itself ?
Efficiency , timelessness and convenience become key factors to evaluate an application integration technique .
News practices in the network era contribute new significance to the rule of timelessness .
The concept of timelessness in a era of network
The resulting pervasive sense of timelessness is one of the city 's great charms .
o Timelessness , hours seem to pass in minutes
Yet the timeless in you is aware of life 's timelessness .
Yet the timeless in you is aware of life 's timelessness ,
" To improve timelessness in the teaching of reading " is an epoch proposition .
The hero , then , is not Time , but Timelessness .
The clean iconic aesthetic and solid form elevates this bench to a level of timelessness .
There is a timelessness about this place .
Words are timeless . You should utter them or write them with a knowledge of their timelessness .
As earth enters the photon belt in full , time will cease , and all shall enter an ongoing state of timelessness .
Timelessness - in the sense of time never ending , never beginning - is a stagnant nothing . It is absolutely uninteresting .
This is the fundamental shift which will occur in all souls to render a new awakening to immortality and timelessness .
This is the time of timelessness beauty , is opposite to the whole born from , the circulation to the circulation of the spiral of the practice .
But at the same time their songs never lost their universal - thanks to the warmth and timelessness of their melodies and lyrics .
The poetics of negative capability seeks after truth and timelessness while Creeley 's poetic measure deconstructs truth and timelessness .
The cavalier perspective of timelessness in Chinese painting can express what the eyes cannot express and give the painter freer aesthetic consciousness and more imagining space .
Information disclosure of listed companies is still many problems about non-standard disclosure , such as falsity , incompleteness , non-initiatively , timelessness , and formulation .
It 's hard to say what you 'll find most breathtaking about the eternal city-the arrogant opulence of the Vatican or the timelessness of the Forum .
While Graham and Dodd didn 't apply value principles to baseball , the applicability of their insights to the market for athletic talent attests to the universality and timelessness of this approach .
There is a middle-of-the-night silence around here now , the hushed timelessness you generally only experience around 3:00 AM when you 're totally alone - yet it 's carried through the broad daylight and held by the whole Ashram .
It was as though when writing melanie , Ashley tried to ignore the war altogether , and sought to draw about the two of them a magic circle of timelessness , shutting out everything that had happened since Fort Sumter was the news of the day .
Humbert , as a matter of fact , is a solipsist trapped in his own obsession of timelessness , while Lolita is regarded by him as an exit of his incestuous lust and a means to escape the imprisonment of time .
But by making pop with almost no contemporary references , Ms. Swift is aiming somewhere even higher , a mode of timelessness that few true pop stars - aside from , say , Adele , who has a vocal gift that demands such an approach - even bother aspiring to .