- n.一种部落格搜索引擎

Now two new Android phones are getting the Technorati worked up .
Using Technorati you can query for blog articles based on a specific set of criteria .
Technorati is a Web site that maintains information about articles published in the blogosphere .
Like many businesses that live on the web , Technorati relies heavily on traffic directed its way by Google .
Note that the actual Technorati API function is the word that follows the final slash ( search ) .
Technorati uses tags to categorize blog articles .
They have looked at individual [ Technorati ] pages and made suggestions about how to make them more visible to the search engine , he says .
Although the Technorati API provides a powerful search function , it 's worth noting that the API also provides other functions you might find useful as well .
Lastly , it 's worth sending details of your blog to Technorati , which acts as a search engine specifically for blogs .
The Internet Group has also become a competitor , creating a service of its own to search inside blogs the same market that Technorati was set up to serve .
The Technorati seem a bit more circumspect , particularly given that Netflix is known for having a much deeper DVD library than streaming library .
Japanese language blogs account for37 percent of the entire blogosphere , a tad higher than the total blogs in English , according to Technorati .
In compliance with unwritten rules of the information superhighway , Technorati also provides an API so people can programmatically search for blog articles based on a specific set of criteria .
But in my conversation , the man revealed that most RSS is poorly formed or out of date and that Technorati doesn 't depend on RSS .
Impersonal is correct : Scroll down Technorati 's list of the top100 blogs and you 'll find personal sites have been shoved aside by professional ones .
I was talking with one of the founders of Technorati , a blog search engine , and I was under the impression that after HTML , the second most successful tag-based data format would have been RSS .
To search the blogosphere for articles about fishing , you use the following URL : http : / / api . technorati . com / tag ? key = xxxx & tag = fishing .