- n.同义反复;赘述
- tautology的复数

The results show that the system only has three different classes of generalized tautologies .
Generalized tautologies theories of universal logic are studied for the first time .
Isomorphisms of t-norms and Implication Operators and Theory of Generalized Tautologies
A series of properties of generalized tautologies of universal logic based on the0-level universal AND operators is discussed .
A Pragmatic Study of Tautologies
It is proved that modal tautologies are logically valid but not vice versa ;
In the second chapter , the accessible generalized tautologies in Lukasiewicz logic system are studied by means of McNaughton function .
Despite the seeming simplicity of their structures , English and Chinese tautologies are abundant in pragmatic and rhetorical meanings .
Tautologies and Quasi-Tautologies in Fuzzy Modal Logic
Tautologies play a significant role in logic applications , a - Tautologies and F - Tautologies in some lattice valued logic systems whose truth-value lattice are products of lattice implication algebra are discussed .
It is from the perspective of intercultural pragmatics that this thesis conducts the interpretation of conversational implicatures of C-E tautologies , which is a breakthrough of previous studies confined in the same culture ; ( 2 ) A relatively systematic study .
In addition , the well-known upgrade algorithm used in many multi-valued logic systems and fuzzy logic systems are also used in the system . Our conclusions show that generally speaking , tautologies can not be derived from non-tautologies by repeatedly applying the upgrade algorithm finite times . 3 .
In the process of probing into conversational implicatures of tautologies , two categories are distinguished : generalized conversational implicatures and particularized conversational implicatures . What they are different from others is that conversational implicatures of tautologies all blatantly flout the maxims .