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  1. Syngenta says it will take measures to keep the new maize out of the food supply .


  2. Syngenta says it has trade secrets to protect .


  3. Syngenta paid a fine to the government .


  4. As an additional support an engineer will be hired by Syngenta China to put into effect the described project .


  5. In two thousand one , genetically modified corn made by Syngenta was found in the food supply chain without approval .


  6. For example , companies like Monsanto , DuPont and Syngenta are developing corn with reduced water needs .


  7. And it will give Syngenta much greater liberty to lead technological development , rather than being dependent on a rival .


  8. The Syngenta transaction gave ChemChina and Mr Ren a key role in the country 's overseas food security strategy .


  9. The big Swiss company Syngenta genetically engineered the maize to contain an enzyme called alpha amylase .


  10. The program is offered by the Syngenta Foundation , established by the Swiss agricultural-chemical maker Syngenta .


  11. Syngenta official Jack Bernens explains how it works .


  12. Andrew McConville works for the agricultural technology company Syngenta . He says a lack of new investment in technology to help farmers improve productivity has had an effect .


  13. If you receive a Syngenta Purchase Order , this Purchase Order number must appear on the invoice to Syngenta as well as all other correspondence .


  14. With that in mind , ChemChina has said it will voluntarily submit its deal for Syngenta to Cfius for review .


  15. A number of agrochemical companies , including Bayer and Syngenta , have been looking at ways to make complex protein drugs in plants , although progress has been slow .


  16. The EU last year temporarily banned imports of US corn animal feed after Syngenta admitted said it accidentally sold corn that contained unapproved genetically modified corn .


  17. The market is betting that Cfius is almost certainly going to require divestitures or restrictions on access of the Chinese company to Syngenta 's American operations and technology .


  18. The biggest is China National Chemical Corporation 's $ 43 billion acquisition of Syngenta , a Swiss giant in farm chemicals and seeds with big operations in the United States .


  19. And most brazenly , ChemChina is reportedly considering an all-cash bid worth SFr35bn for Syngenta AG .


  20. Syngenta AG , which makes the MIR-162 strain , called on China in an emailed statement Friday to update its laws to allow the strain . '


  21. To secure its agreement with Syngenta , ChemChina received $ 30bn in acquisition financing from China 's Citic Securities and $ 20bn from HSBC .


  22. Because of Syngenta 's large presence in the US market for seeds and fertiliser it is also being scrutinised heavily by Washington and subjected to a voluntary national security review .


  23. The Chinese chemicals group has been trying to reassure politicians in Washington that the acquisition of Syngenta , which has a presence in the US , poses no risks to national security .


  24. ChemChina , which is offering $ 44bn for Syngenta , the Swiss agrichemical giant , is a case in point .


  25. It then plans to sell equity stakes in Syngenta and issue long-term debt - - bankers working with the company say they are being flooded with requests to participate in the financing .


  26. Not surprisingly John Atkin , the head of the crop-protection part of Syngenta , a Swiss agrichemical and seed company , believes the changes are wrong .


  27. Higher incomes have led farmers to plant more and encouraged spending on yield-enhancing products , such as new-generation seeds with pest-resistant properties , made by Syngenta and some peers .


  28. Fairchild 's decision may unsettle ChemChina , which has agreed to buy Swiss agribusiness company Syngenta for $ 44bn , marking China 's largest overseas takeover in history .


  29. Whenever I have met executives in the past year , at companies ranging from Rio Tinto to Levi Strauss to Syngenta , they have extolled the benefits of using digitisation to boost " productivity . "


  30. JIM McCARTHY : " But it did cause major s in the availability of food-grade corn . So we do think this will have a major impact . And we 're urging Syngenta to rethink this . "
