- 网络瑞士人

Switzer ( 1965 ) has demonstrated the existence of a random process in the plane with Markov property .
Mr. Switzer has been walking there twice a day for ten years and said he had never seen anything like it .
But testing at the nearby Switzer Centre for children with disabilities showed Jeff to be average-to-bright .
The photographer , Evan Switzer , captured the moment on a bushland property in River Heads , Queensland , Australia .
Lorenz Helbling is a Switzer , who opened ShanghART Gallery , which is k
Tom Switzer , a political analyst and the editor of The Spectator Australia commentary magazine , says this cozy relationship could be tested by the emergence of China .
One day , before he left for Mississippi , Jeff gave a demonstration to60 children from the Switzer Center at one of the aquariums where he had taught .
Based on Switzer 's theorem , the author has developed planar Markov simulation models for pattern simulation which through program MARKOV ⅱ have been used tentatively to analyze and simulate some geologic examples .
Dorian Abbot and Eric Switzer say they 've calculated that rocky planets with a mass similar to that of Earth could stay warm enough to keep water liquid under thick , insulating ice sheets for more than a billion years .