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The Gold Rush proved a disaster for Sutter himself .
Howard Granger . Lives across the street at 10331 Sutter .
Sutter also noted that concurrent programming would allow developers to take advantage of multicore architectures .
Most restaurants will offer at least a few wines from well-known , reputable brands like Sutter Home .
The discovery at Sutter 's Mill set off the historic California Gold Rush of1848 and changed the face of America .
California Gold Rush 1848 - California Gold Rush : James W. Marshall finds gold at Sutter 's Mill near Sacramento .
Do you read Sutter cane ?
Sutter predicted the end of the " free lunch " that had come of increasing the performance of software applications by piggy-backing on faster and faster chips .
Sutter payed attention to life tragedy , so my graduation thesis is on basis of background in western cultural spirit , and analyse Life tragedy of Sutter .
DHL , GE , Sutter Health and AGCOhave already been working with Glass Enterprise Edition , according to X Company , the tech incubator that 's a part of Google 's parent company Alphabet .
Speaking to the Chicago Tribune , Captain Jeff Sutter admitted that officers had only realised what the vandalism meant when one policeman 's young son came forward to enlighten them .
On Jan. 24 , 1848 , James W. Marshall discovered a gold nugget at Sutter 's Mill in northern California , sparking the gold rush of ' 49 .
Herb Sutter , Microsoft Principal Architect , Native Languages , has announced a new C + + library called Accelerated Massive Parallelism ( C + + AMP ), at AMD Fusion Developer Summit .
A year earlier in the Sierra Nevada Mountains , a carpenter had discovered gold - great big nuggets of it - in the South Fork of the American River as he was building a sawmill for John Sutter .
In fact , attempts to dig earwax out generally pack it in further -- ' like loading a Civil War cannon , ' says Rod Moser , a physician assistant at Sutter Roseville Pediatrics , Roseville , Calif.