- adj.晒得黝黑的

In some areas of north Tehran we can see many suntanned women and young girls who look like walking mannequins .
He is always suntanned and incredibly fit .
Two weeks later , Dorothy returned , smiling and suntanned .
They looked healthy and suntanned after their week in jamaica .
Suntanned and relaxed , looking calmly about the room he appeared completely in command .
She was suntanned quickly just because she forgot to put on any sunscreen .
We walked down to the sea where a group of suntanned children were frolicking on the beach .
An ant was busily exploring the uncharted territory of Paul 's suntanned wrist .
You should , like these suntanned children on the riverbank , be bursting with vitality , at home in the bosom of nature .
He then added : " You won 't believe it but they went together to the beach to get a tan because even his wife is suntanned . "
Some , whom I did not even know by name , showed concern over my health and went about inquiring after me . It was not until they saw my suntanned face and arms that they began to smile a smile of relief .
Contrary to Western women 's fondness for suntanned skin ( presumably to imply that they are wealthy enough to take expensive holidays to warmer climes ) , Chinese ladies prefer the pale and interesting look ( presumably to prove that they don 't work outside in a manual job ) .
They suntanned and did a lot of relaxing and decompressing , " says the source . " They seemed very much in love . " Indeed , a source close to Spears told PEOPLE last week that " the couple 's relationship is better [ than ever ] . Britney and Jason lately have been very happy together . "