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  1. Prof Sinn makes three other points .


  2. Many people consider Sinn Fein to be the political wing of the ira .


  3. But , in general , as Prof Sinn notes , there has been a mixture of financing with recession .


  4. Sinn Fein Party leader Gerry Adams was released without charges from a police interrogation center near Belfast .


  5. Critics such as Prof Sinn focus on the risk that excessive financing will undermine , if not destroy , incentives to adjust .


  6. An English recruit serving in the Royal Irish Constabulary to combat Sinn Fein in 1921 .


  7. On the latter , Prof Sinn argues , rightly , that rescue packages must include " haircuts " for creditors .


  8. 1905 Sinn Fein Irish political party was founded in Dublin by Arthur Griffith . The party chiefly engaged in terrorist activities .


  9. Second , Prof Sinn believes that a more balanced eurozone growth pattern is in the offing , now that German investors have learnt how unsafe their investments abroad are .


  10. Strangest of all , Sinn Fein has become part of a governing coalition in Northern Ireland that is so stable as to verge on the boring .


  11. When Sinn Fein 's Martin McGuinness asked how she was yesterday , the monarch jokingly said : " I 'm still alive , anyway . "


  12. The breakthrough , announced Monday in Belfast , came after the first face-to-face talks between hardline Protestant leader Ian Paisley and Catholic Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams .


  13. The Irish republican army , organized by Sinn Fein , unleashed a series of violence , such as shoot and explosion , which in turn , had kept preying uponIrelandfor decades .


  14. At the same time , he argues , the capital outflow the counterpart of the current account surplus starved Germany of investment : German net investment was , notes Prof Sinn , the lowest in the developed world between 1995 and 2008 ( see chart ) .


  15. Indeed , Prof Sinn notes the symmetry between the current account deficits of Greece , Ireland , Portugal and Spain and the cumulative claims of the Bundesbank upon other central banks since 2008 ( when the private finance of weaker economies dried up ) .
