
Determination of the Types of the Wet Loessial Sinkings by the Starting Pressure
In the first year of war the sinkings by U-boats had not been the dominating problem .
This article reviews the latter-day submarine sinkings , and introduces the overseas submarine rescue ship and submarine rescue methods .
After June 1943 the Atlantic war turned dramatically in favour of the Allies , with ship sinkings reduced to tolerable levels .
Since 1940 the numbers had trebled , and the sinkings had trebled too .
September 1941 , in particular , saw a dramatic increase in sinkings for the few weeks after a small sophistication was introduced into the U-boat signals .
for only afterwards did anyone voice concern that the succession of sinkings , following the loss of the Bismarck , might alert the German authorities to the possibility of cipher compromise .
During the year after June 1940 , U-boat sinkings were to deplete that stock by an average of 200000 tons a month . This loss in capacity could just about be replaced .
When Churchill and Roosevelt had conferred at Casablanca , they had good reason to suppose that , with Atlantic U-boat Enigma restored , the sinkings could be kept down to the level of late 1941 . In January they were .