
美 [ˌsɪŋɡl ˈmaɪndɪdli]英 [ˌsɪŋɡl ˈmaɪndɪdli]
  • 网络一心一意;一心一意地


in a single-minded manner


  1. In this climate , many people who seek to improve their lives focus single-mindedly on the economic side .


  2. Imagine who you could be , and then aim single-mindedly at that .


  3. They see a mercantilist China single-mindedly moving to pre-empt world oil supplies .


  4. The Selling Strategy is a discipline that is single-mindedly focused on generating brand-building ideas .


  5. My child , if you really want to achieve your dream , you 're going to have to focus on it single-mindedly .


  6. We must rectify the general tendency to single-mindedly and blindly run after high test scores , with disregard for national conditions and the reality of education .


  7. Besides , nowadays there are scarcely any central banks which rely single-mindedly and exclusively upon measures of money supply to guide their monetary policy decisions .


  8. My brother has always taken a singleminded approach to everr , thing he does & he works single-mindedly .


  9. This is AI 's so-called " control problem " : the risk that smart machines will single-mindedly pursue arbitrary goals even when they are undesirable .


  10. Instead , they concentrate almost single-mindedly on the growth rate of a company 's earnings , the momentum of its share price , or simply its inclusion in a market index .


  11. There has never been a regime in history that was so single-mindedly devoted to the end of producing that rarest and most difficult species of humanity called simply philosopher .


  12. It single-mindedly focuses on its heritage and traditions , caters to owners who already identify with the brand , and creates endless variations and updates of its existing model range to snare repeat customers .


  13. Completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020 is an arduous task , and all the comrades in the Party must work single-mindedly and with fortitude to reach this goal .


  14. In his previous incarnation as CEO , Bloomberg focused almost single-mindedly on increasing the number of terminals sold , trusted his gut , hated meetings , never laid anyone off , and didn 't worry about spending .


  15. Among the offerings available in the company 's app store are desktop games like " MindHunter , " in which players must focus single-mindedly in order to fire a weapon , and meditation aids like ' Mind Labyrinth , ' which grants players access to 52 different levels of an ancient temple as their relaxation grows deeper .
